Critics Corner with Dixie

I thought I would take a break from thwacking pinheads and post my critique of some T.V. shows I have been watching. If anyone else wants to comment on these shows, please do. And if you have your own list, feel free to post it. I'm mostly curious as to what people are watching, and I must admit, I am not generally a big TV fan, I don't get 'hooked' on many shows. However, I have recently fallen in love with Charter On-Demand, because I can watch what I want, when I want, and that has allowed me to follow some shows. Without further ado... My Picks and Pans...


There is something uneasy about watching a doctor who looks like he just came off a 3 day stooper, making life and death decisions in a hospital. Especially when you find he is major addicted to Vicodin, a very strong pain medication. This functioning dependent is somehow able to be a miracle worker in a hospital... so for some reason, you get over the shock of it.

It is an interesting show, despite the 'ethical' issues, and Hugh Laurie does a marvelous American accent (he is British). The cast is interesting, but something seems lacking in their performance compared to the main character. The writing is excellent, and the casting of extras is always great. The 'format' of the show tends to follow a pretty consistent line, which is somewhat shallow if you are looking for unexpected twists, but there are always the unexpected twists of Dr. House's personal life. All in all, it's not the best show on TV, but far from the worst.

I give it :):)

Rescue Me

This show has kind of grown on me. I have never been a big fan of Denis Leary, but I have really come to respect him as a person. He has devoted an enormous amount of his personal time to a cause he believes in, and he is one of those people who puts his money where his mouth is, and isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and actually do something to help. So many of the 'hollywood' type, simply are 'above' all that. They will write a check, or do a benefit appearance and that's about it. Leary has impressed me with his actions. So I gave his show a shot....

First off, it's a drama about NY firefighters, and Leary is the main character. He is an Irish whiskey-guzzling alcoholic, with a nympho girlfriend and a nympho ex-wife! How lucky can one drunk ugly Irishman be? The show takes you through the twists and turns of his life as Tommy Gavin, and the relationships he has with the supporting ensemble. The acting is fantastic, the directing is awesome, the music is outstanding, and the story line is interesting. If I have any complaint, it is that Tommy, this functioning drunk fireman, is getting laid by two drop-dead gorgeous women on an unbelievable basis. It's like... put out a fire... get fucked... rescue a cat from a tree... oh, get fucked... have a shot of whiskey...Ahh... get fucked! It's a little over the top, but considering Leary is the producer.... I can't blame him for that really.

All in all...
I give it :):):)

Breaking Bad

At first, I didn't want to like this show! How the hell can you say you like a show about crystal meth cooks? It's just so fucking wrong! What could possibly make me want to watch such a train wreck of an idea? Bryan Cranston! I liked him as the aloof Dad on Malcom in the Middle, and thought his character was hilarious, and this looked like a more 'serious' role for him, so I was curious as to how he would play it. When I first heard of the show, I thought it would make a good movie, but a TV show? I mean, what could they possibly do, where is there to go, what kind of future does a meth cook have really? Not a lot of promise there... but since it was a series, I decided to watch.

I have to say, it is probably one of the best written shows I've ever seen on TV. The acting is phenomenal, and Bryan Cranston deserved his Emmy for the performance of his career. The casting is awesome, and the scripting is full of dark humor. In fact, much of the show is dark humor, and while it has it's dramatic moments, it throws a laugh or two at you in almost every scene. I will reserve judgment on the 'morality' of this show, because "the story" becomes intriguing and you become interested in wanting to know more.

I give it :):):):):)

RENO 911

If COPS and SNL had a child, they would name it RENO 911! That is the only way to describe this show on Comedy Central. It's one of those shows you can watch again, and catch all kinds of funny stuff you missed the first time. It is full of politically incorrect and disturbing dialogue, but it is done with such tongue-in-cheek-ness you tend to overlook the edgy moments. It's a lot of fun, but definitely adult-oriented. Some may think it is a bit too silly, but that is what you expect from a silly sitcom. The characters are a hoot, and the ideas the creators come up with are very imaginative. It's a refreshing dose of adult humor in a TV land full of garbage, in my opinion.

I give it :):):):)
come on guys do you have to bust dixie's balls with every post? For once he's just posting something to lighten the mood and you still have to be dicks
WTF? You pinheads have your heads so far up Obama's ass you can't have some levity, or what? I don't get it... Grind can talk about the most trivial stupid bullshit that's ever been known to man, and I've seen some of Waterhead's desperate pleas for attention... at least this is something we all have in common, we all have TV's... we don't all live in granny's basement or whack off to porn all day.

Relax guys.... the political bullshit will all be there after you post here! I'll still thwack you and bitch slap you like crack whores.... don't worry... let your hair down a bit and enjoy yourself! Think of it like a Christmas party.... (ooo... probably not at good example.)
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∞zo;470709 said:
come on guys do you have to bust dixie's balls with every post? For once he's just posting something to lighten the mood and you still have to be dicks

I wasn't slamming Dixie, I was pointing out what an ass IB1dumbassguy is.

How in the hell could IB1dumbassguy even know what was posted, unless the pinhead read it.

∞zo;470709 said:
come on guys do you have to bust dixie's balls with every post? For once he's just posting something to lighten the mood and you still have to be dicks
Watermarks just jealous cause Dixie get's all the chicks.
∞zo;470709 said:
come on guys do you have to bust dixie's balls with every post? For once he's just posting something to lighten the mood and you still have to be dicks

I agree with this statement. Now, I'll step aside.
I like NOVA and this old house pretty well.
I am curious how the new Star Gate Universe show will be this fall.
I've seen House a few times, it looks pretty good. That doctor dude on their is awesome.

I've never heard of any of the others. Except, I think I've heard of that Reno thing, never seen it though.

I really don't watch anything on TV except the Rachel Maddow show, history channel, Cspan, and Fox News. Glenn Beck is brilliant. And I don't think you can go wrong with O'Reilly, that dude will never steer you wrong.

Other than that, I'm doing other crap, or playing violent video games.
I've seen House a few times, it looks pretty good. That doctor dude on their is awesome.

I've never heard of any of the others. Except, I think I've heard of that Reno thing, never seen it though.

I really don't watch anything on TV except the Rachel Maddow show, history channel, Cspan, and Fox News. Glenn Beck is brilliant. And I don't think you can go wrong with O'Reilly, that dude will never steer you wrong.

Other than that, I'm doing other crap, or playing violent video games

You lost me here. :eek:
I thought I would take a break from thwacking pinheads and post my critique of some T.V. shows I have been watching. If anyone else wants to comment on these shows, please do. And if you have your own list, feel free to post it. I'm mostly curious as to what people are watching, and I must admit, I am not generally a big TV fan, I don't get 'hooked' on many shows. However, I have recently fallen in love with Charter On-Demand, because I can watch what I want, when I want, and that has allowed me to follow some shows. Without further ado... My Picks and Pans...


There is something uneasy about watching a doctor who looks like he just came off a 3 day stooper, making life and death decisions in a hospital. Especially when you find he is major addicted to Vicodin, a very strong pain medication. This functioning dependent is somehow able to be a miracle worker in a hospital... so for some reason, you get over the shock of it.

It is an interesting show, despite the 'ethical' issues, and Hugh Laurie does a marvelous American accent (he is British). The cast is interesting, but something seems lacking in their performance compared to the main character. The writing is excellent, and the casting of extras is always great. The 'format' of the show tends to follow a pretty consistent line, which is somewhat shallow if you are looking for unexpected twists, but there are always the unexpected twists of Dr. House's personal life. All in all, it's not the best show on TV, but far from the worst.

I give it :):)

Rescue Me

This show has kind of grown on me. I have never been a big fan of Denis Leary, but I have really come to respect him as a person. He has devoted an enormous amount of his personal time to a cause he believes in, and he is one of those people who puts his money where his mouth is, and isn't afraid to roll up his sleeves and actually do something to help. So many of the 'hollywood' type, simply are 'above' all that. They will write a check, or do a benefit appearance and that's about it. Leary has impressed me with his actions. So I gave his show a shot....

First off, it's a drama about NY firefighters, and Leary is the main character. He is an Irish whiskey-guzzling alcoholic, with a nympho girlfriend and a nympho ex-wife! How lucky can one drunk ugly Irishman be? The show takes you through the twists and turns of his life as Tommy Gavin, and the relationships he has with the supporting ensemble. The acting is fantastic, the directing is awesome, the music is outstanding, and the story line is interesting. If I have any complaint, it is that Tommy, this functioning drunk fireman, is getting laid by two drop-dead gorgeous women on an unbelievable basis. It's like... put out a fire... get fucked... rescue a cat from a tree... oh, get fucked... have a shot of whiskey...Ahh... get fucked! It's a little over the top, but considering Leary is the producer.... I can't blame him for that really.

All in all...
I give it :):):)

Breaking Bad

At first, I didn't want to like this show! How the hell can you say you like a show about crystal meth cooks? It's just so fucking wrong! What could possibly make me want to watch such a train wreck of an idea? Bryan Cranston! I liked him as the aloof Dad on Malcom in the Middle, and thought his character was hilarious, and this looked like a more 'serious' role for him, so I was curious as to how he would play it. When I first heard of the show, I thought it would make a good movie, but a TV show? I mean, what could they possibly do, where is there to go, what kind of future does a meth cook have really? Not a lot of promise there... but since it was a series, I decided to watch.

I have to say, it is probably one of the best written shows I've ever seen on TV. The acting is phenomenal, and Bryan Cranston deserved his Emmy for the performance of his career. The casting is awesome, and the scripting is full of dark humor. In fact, much of the show is dark humor, and while it has it's dramatic moments, it throws a laugh or two at you in almost every scene. I will reserve judgment on the 'morality' of this show, because "the story" becomes intriguing and you become interested in wanting to know more.

I give it :):):):):)

RENO 911

If COPS and SNL had a child, they would name it RENO 911! That is the only way to describe this show on Comedy Central. It's one of those shows you can watch again, and catch all kinds of funny stuff you missed the first time. It is full of politically incorrect and disturbing dialogue, but it is done with such tongue-in-cheek-ness you tend to overlook the edgy moments. It's a lot of fun, but definitely adult-oriented. Some may think it is a bit too silly, but that is what you expect from a silly sitcom. The characters are a hoot, and the ideas the creators come up with are very imaginative. It's a refreshing dose of adult humor in a TV land full of garbage, in my opinion.

I give it :):):):)

I like Breaking Bad; but I also watch Burn Notice, Sons of Anarchy, NCIS, Extreme Makeover, among others.