Crowing Is Better Than Eating Crow


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DOJ announces case against McCabe for lying 'closed'
Stunner comes even as sentencing over Trump associate Roger Stone's 'lies' pending
By WND Staff
Published February 14, 2020 at 1:44pm

Like I said all along. Everything the federal government did to Donald Trump was done to cover up Hillary Clinton’s treason:

FBI gave Christopher Steele highly protected national secrets
'Very definition of harm to national security'
Published February 14, 2020 at 2:56pm

Mitch McConnell and AG Robert Barr should resign. Try and imagine what Hillary Clinton would have gotten away with if she stole the election in 2016:

Every American knew that acquitting President Trump’s was a forgone conclusion. Now that the impeachment trial is over not too many Americans realize that Mitch McConnell is not technically guilty of taking part in a conspiracy. It takes more than one to call it a conspiracy, but McConnell singlehandedly ACQUITTED HILLARY CLINTON OF TREASON.

When McConnell announces that Democrats cannot call their witnesses television mouths will make it look like Malfeasance Mitch was being unfair. The truth is: President Trump cannot call and question witnesses in his defense —— specifically asking Hillary Clinton about the Steele Dossier.

NOTE: Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election.


The unwritten rule “The crime is too big to punish.” is Hillary’s greatest protection and she knows it.

Outsider Trump might break the rule. That is why every Senator is running scared. Basically, McConnell only needs a few votes to stop Trump from questioning Hillary while the rest of them will still look good to voters after Trump is acquitted.


Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election. It turns out that AG Barr is a better conspirator than was AG Jeff Sessions:

The top people in the FBI are snakes. Mueller is a snake. He has been a snake throughout his pubic career, yet William Barr calls him a friend. What does that tell you about Barr? It tells me that a big snake was called in to coverup for a basket full of fellow career snakes.

Either Donald Trump is a naive poor judge of character, or Barr is the best AG available among a bad litter. The entire Mueller investigation was designed to shield Hillary Clinton against a charge of treason. It works. The filthy old hag is untouchable. They will not even touch her for minor crimes:

William Barr knows all of Hillary’s crimes. Basically, his job is to see that she beats the rap without making the DoJ or the FBI look bad. His decades of experience in the government makes him the perfect attorney general for Hillary Clinton, but not for the America people.
NOTE: Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election. It turns out that AG Barr is a better conspirator than was AG Jeff Sessions:​

AG Barr’s role in the conspiracy was deeper than I suspected:

LtCol Anthony (Tony) Shaffer (retired), is the President of the London Center for Policy Research, a New York Times bestselling author, and CIA trained intelligence operations officer with 35 years of experience in global and national security. After the 2020 Election Shaffer was one of many Americans who offered to help investigate the results of the 2020 Election.

Shaffer looked into the events before the election where a truck driver for the US Postal Service reported that he transferred a trailer load of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the election. We first reported this in December:

AG Barr Told Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer to Stop Looking Into Truck Driver Jesse Morgan’s Testimony That He Moved More Than 200,000 Fraudulent Ballots from NY to PA Before the 2020 Election
By Joe Hoft
Published August 20, 2021 at 5:05pm