APP - Crying Chuck Schumer admits he was playing a losing hand

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Everyone has been squawking that the American people backed the democrat party in their ill conceived government shutdown to defend law breakers. It wasn't the case. That is why they pulled up camp quickly.

I will give them credit, they were smart enough to fold their losing hand.

But, their hand isn't going to get any better. What makes them think that the American people will be anymore likely to support a government shut down three weeks from now? They won't.

Trump wants a wall. A real wall. Not a promise for funding or an "authorization for funding" which is the game politicians play. He wants a real wall.

Most Americans can probably swallow letting the law breakers stay, they just don't want to be back having this conversation again in 10-20 years for the new crop of Dreamers.
This is what I was trying to tell the board over the weekend. While support for daca is in theory very high (85%+), the support for shutting down the government over it (high 30's, low 40's) was very low. Additionally people can overall support something but not have much passion behind it. They may say "sure let them stay" but it probably doesn't even rank in the top 20 on issues for most people. Thus, chuck folded.

Regarding the wall, I have to draw a few conclusions from trumps demands, based on some basic logic. I think the wall is frivolous and mostly impossible. It's expensive and most illegals just come here legally and overstay their visa. Trump knows this. So why does he support it so fervantly? Well, it could be for face saving, but I think more succinctly it actually gives him a way to categorically reject DACA. It lets him say to voters, (who do support DACA overall) that he reallllly wanted it, but democrats wouldn't budge and give him anything in return. I think the wall is ultimately trumps way of outright rejecting DACA by giving democrats something they cant accept.
What we really need to do is end chain migration and institution a merit based system. I would also stipulate that any dreamers allowed to stay will never have a pathway to citizenship, and I also would disallow them from ever being able to sponsor someone else coming into the country.
This is what I was trying to tell the board over the weekend. While support for daca is in theory very high (85%+), the support for shutting down the government over it (high 30's, low 40's) was very low. Additionally people can overall support something but not have much passion behind it. They may say "sure let them stay" but it probably doesn't even rank in the top 20 on issues for most people. Thus, chuck folded.

Regarding the wall, I have to draw a few conclusions from trumps demands, based on some basic logic. I think the wall is frivolous and mostly impossible. It's expensive and most illegals just come here legally and overstay their visa. Trump knows this. So why does he support it so fervantly? Well, it could be for face saving, but I think more succinctly it actually gives him a way to categorically reject DACA. It lets him say to voters, (who do support DACA overall) that he reallllly wanted it, but democrats wouldn't budge and give him anything in return. I think the wall is ultimately trumps way of outright rejecting DACA by giving democrats something they cant accept.

I agree to a point, I don't think a wall is frivolous, but more than anything it is symbolic. It was the crux of his entire Presidency. If Trump caves on that, he is finished. That is the one thing that would get his base to abandon him.

The crazy thing is that Trump would pretty much give the democrat party anything they want with regards to the dreamers, but they can't see that.
What we really need to do is end chain migration and institution a merit based system. I would also stipulate that any dreamers allowed to stay will never have a pathway to citizenship, and I also would disallow them from ever being able to sponsor someone else coming into the country.

Now that sounds like a damn good policy. It's a good compromise that should appease both sides. Someone who came here illegally never gets the right to vote (which is what dims really want) but gets to stay which is the humane thing.
What we really need to do is end chain migration and institution a merit based system. I would also stipulate that any dreamers allowed to stay will never have a pathway to citizenship, and I also would disallow them from ever being able to sponsor someone else coming into the country.

I think the solution to illegal immigration is pretty simple

1) No non citizens can claim ANY welfare benefits of any kind
2) No non citizens can attend our public schools
3) Fine any company found to hire illegals $10,000/day per illegal and pay a 10% whistleblower fee

Institute and enforce these three things and they will self deport in a heartbeat.

Think about it like this. Let's say your house is infested with mice. You could surround your house with mouse traps. They would work and would kill some mice. But, the most effective way to keep out mice is to keep your house clean. No food lying around. They come for the food.

And for those who are easily offended, yes I am comparing illegal aliens to mice. I am doing that
I think the solution to illegal immigration is pretty simple

1) No non citizens can claim ANY welfare benefits of any kind
2) No non citizens can attend our public schools
3) Fine any company found to hire illegals $10,000/day per illegal and pay a 10% whistleblower fee

Institute and enforce these three things and they will self deport in a heartbeat.

Think about it like this. Let's say your house is infested with mice. You could surround your house with mouse traps. They would work and would kill some mice. But, the most effective way to keep out mice is to keep your house clean. No food lying around. They come for the food.

And for those who are easily offended, yes I am comparing illegal aliens to mice. I am doing that

oh well yes I would very much agree with your solutions, though I don't know if our politicians would actually do that.
Now that sounds like a damn good policy. It's a good compromise that should appease both sides. Someone who came here illegally never gets the right to vote (which is what dims really want) but gets to stay which is the humane thing.

How do you know illegals aren't already voting?
How do you know illegals aren't already voting?

There's no doubt California already condones it by looking the other way. A friend of mine here who grew up in Huntington Beach (L.A. basically) told me about a local election where it was proven beyond a doubt that illegals had voted En Masse but the election was allowed to stand. Wish I knew what election it was, I'd google it.
But fuck California, they can provide free medical care, schooling, housing, welfare, let them vote, do whatever, it mostly fucks them and eventually it'll implode on itself (as it already is apparently). Plus it gives illegals a safe place to go and fester. But states that enforce the law won't let it happen (IMO).
Fortunately states that don't condone it far outnumber those that do.
There's no doubt California already condones it by looking the other way. A friend of mine here who grew up in Huntington Beach (L.A. basically) told me about a local election where it was proven beyond a doubt that illegals had voted En Masse but the election was allowed to stand. Wish I knew what election it was, I'd google it.
But fuck California, they can provide free medical care, schooling, housing, welfare, let them vote, do whatever, it mostly fucks them and eventually it'll implode on itself (as it already is apparently). Plus it gives illegals a safe place to go and fester. But states that enforce the law won't let it happen (IMO).
Fortunately states that don't condone it far outnumber those that do.

That can change.

BTW, Sanctuary state California now leads the nation in poverty. Even Mississippi has a lower poverty rate.