CST coalition

That's the only time zone that matters. I'd prefer if we didn't do the daylight savings thing, or simply kept daylight savings time year round though.

Too few people live in Mountain Time. Central Time is just as centrally located and has more people. Eastern time has the most, but it's all the way on one edge of the country. Therefore, Central Time is the ideal candidate for True time.
Pacific Time is the land of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, HP, Boeing, etc. We simply rule, and all relevant future technology is created here.
Pacific Time is the land of Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon, HP, Boeing, etc. We simply rule, and all relevant future technology is created here.

I was going to say corporate America, I hate corporate America, but these companies are pretty good to their employees.
I was going to say corporate America, I hate corporate America, but these companies are pretty good to their employees.

Microsoft employees stack ranking, AKA firing quotas, in which a manager is required to fire a certain amount of employees every year just to meet arbitrary quotas. That is not called being good to your employees, it creates a really perverse work environment.
Microsoft employees stack ranking, AKA firing quotas, in which a manager is required to fire a certain amount of employees every year just to meet arbitrary quotas. That is not called being good to your employees, it creates a really perverse work environment.

Oh, I wasn't aware, I retract my statement about Microsoft, thanks.
Mmkk, how about we split the difference between mountain and central, and impose utc+6:30 on the nation? Especially Alaska. In fact, let's just impose it on Alaska, just to be dicks, and keep traditional time everywhere else. Sound good?
Microsoft employees stack ranking, AKA firing quotas, in which a manager is required to fire a certain amount of employees every year just to meet arbitrary quotas. That is not called being good to your employees, it creates a really perverse work environment.

Wasn't that the GM or GE strategy? The companies I've worked for do the stack ranking, but don't fire the bottom 5%, which is what GE or GM used to do
India actually imposes a middle time zone of UTC+5:30 on the nation, splitting the difference between the extremes at either end of the country. China imposes one time zone as well, but they impose Beijing time, there's no attempt to split the difference and compromise with the less populous western areas, they're just dicks.