“Cuba’s contribution to medical education............


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“Cuba’s contribution to medical education in the region has been welcomed by many Pacific countries,” according to a recent story from Radio Australia (the Aussie version of NPR, hence liberal in outlook.) “But some are finding that doctors who’ve studied in Cuba need extra training when they return home. Tuvalu finds Cuban-trained doctors need skills gap filled.”

Back in 2008, you see, Tuvalu fell for the Castro-regime/United Nations/mainstream media propaganda mantra about Cuba’s “free and fabulous healthcare” and eagerly sent 22 promising Tuvaluan students to medical school in Cuba.

But upon their return with those medical degrees, as Radio Australia explains [emphasis added]:

“the [Tuvaluan] government is concerned about their level of practical training … So the Education Department is planning to send returning [from Cuba] Tuvalu doctors to Kiribati [a nearby primitive island] for a special internship, as the department’s pre-service training officer Atabi Ewekia explains.”
In brief, the incompetence of Cuba-trained doctors is such that they will be essentially “de-programmed” in a medical school where, a mere two generations ago, medicine was probably the province of witch-doctors with bones through their noses. https://www.theblaze.com/contributions/cubas-healthcare-scam-2