Cuil it?


Staff member

Search site aims to rival Google

Former workers at the web giant Google have launched a rival search engine.

Called Cuil, from the Gaelic for knowledge and hazel, its founders claim it does a better and more comprehensive job of indexing information online.

(The word is pronounced "cool"... more at link...)
It's only taken me about 10 seconds of looking through to know it will never replace google.

The interface is awkward and the search results are haphazard and not nearly as well thought out as googles.

Search site aims to rival Google

Former workers at the web giant Google have launched a rival search engine.

Called Cuil, from the Gaelic for knowledge and hazel, its founders claim it does a better and more comprehensive job of indexing information online.

(The word is pronounced "cool"... more at link...)

Hi Damocles - yes, it's Ireland's answer to the virtual behemoth that is Planet Google. I'm not too impressed with it I'm afraid.

The Irish language police in Ireland are already complaining about it because the word is supposed to have an acute accent on the "u" and to be pronounced "coo_il", with a long "oo" and a very soft and very short "i".

With the Irish language police against them and a clunky front-end they don't stand a chance. I wouldn't offload my Google shares just yet ... :)
Maybe they will refuse to cut deals with totalitarians and turn people's information over to fascist chinese goons.