Cultsmasher smashes fossil fuels.


This is a thread I found at another forum. I started a thread around here about human caused global warming. Well this person solved it. But for some of the "people" around here, they don't believe in HCGW. If they own a car, I wonder if they believe in what they pay for gas. Or if they believe in the high cost of items that require a lot of energy to produce. Or if they believe in the energy bills it takes to cool their houses in the summer and heat them in the winter.

Unfortunately, I couldn't copy the thread and post it here. So I will have to write it out. Here it is.........

"I, Cultsmasher, steamroller, redline, moronfinder and any other's I've forgotten will now smash fossil fuels. I will now make coal fired power plants, nuclear power plants, electric generating dams, wind farms and solar panels obsolete. I just can't wait for the mods around here to ban me for making the major cause of human caused global warming a thing of the past. Don't feel ashamed. Other forums have. Their disregard for decency and honor in this matter just reenforces my disdain for humanity in general. Here it is.

"Back in the late 50's, early 60's, the U.S. experimented with nuclear powered rockets. They operated at 5600 F. And despite being built light enough to fly, they were expected to create a constant thrust for 600 hours. Or 25 days. So the engineering in this is around 60 years old. Now 2% of H2O will disassociate into hydrogen and oxygen at 3600 F. In other words, combust. On this next point, I'm not exactly sure. But I would have to imagine that the percentage of H2O that would disassociate would rise sharply from there without all that much higher of a rise in temperature. So that at about 4500 F, most of the H2O would combust.

So if you had a furnace that was preheated to 5000 F using the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen, then injected water or steam into it, it would combust. As in create heat. And being built more robustly than a nuclear rocket designed to fly, it could be made to last much longer. And it is possible that some alloy or compound has been created in the last 60 years that can withstand heat even better than the material used to create a nuclear powered rocket.

I brought this idea up to a university physics professor once when I was thinking of using this process to create pressure that could be utilized. He told me that the disassociated hydrogen and oxygen atoms would almost immediately recombine into H20 molecules. But I know that would create heat also. Because that is how the rockets on the Space Shuttle worked. They combust hydrogen and oxygen. The exhaust is H2O. The Space Shuttle engines operate at 6000 F. That is around 1500 F more than what would be needed to disassociate the H2O into hydrogen and oxygen to begin with. In fact, steps would have to be taken to keep the furnace from melting.

On top of that, the exhaust would be so hot that it would nearly be in a plasma state. This could be put through a magnetohydrodynamic device to create electricity. The rest could be used to heat water to create electricity. Which is what a coal or nuclear powered furnace does. But with this process, it would create its own heat. No outside heat source would be necessary."

Well there it is. If you have any reasons why you think this wouldn't work, cultsmasher would like to hear about it. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what forum he is at so you can tell him yourself. But if you tell me, I will pass it on. I also know that this is an idea that he came up with around 20 years ago and made know to everybody. For free! This shows the power of the energy producers. Because it isn't being used.
Apparently CS once claimed to have advanced knowledge about how to produce some advanced tech that one would presume is presently out of reach for society to engineer. Billy would have fun asking for him to produce the invention every time the idiot would show his face on JPP.
I believe you when you say you didn't finish high school.

Yeah. How does it feel to have a high school dropout as your intellectual superior, asshole. I noticed that not you or any of the other morons around here could tell me why it wouldn't work. I show the alternative to fossil fuels and you ban me as a show of gratitude. What a fucking lowlife you are.
Anybody wanting to have an intelligent discussion on this matter, this obviously isn't the place for it. You are welcome to come on over and discuss this or any other topic where truth and freedom of speech are allowed. The Truth Zone Forum. I go by redpill over there. Hope to hear from you.