Current GDP, 1st Quarter 2024 : % 1.4 Annual Growth Rate


Well-known member
Not exactly setting the world on fire, is it?

Now, hurry and post the damage done by Democrat covid shutdowns and mandates, and pretend that was "Trump's economy".

The US was cruising like a well-oiled machine before the CHINADEM bio attack on our nation.

And China continues to get their money's worth out of Biden, as he still refuses to blame them for the pandemic.


The US was cruising like a well-oiled machine before the CHINADEM bio attack on our nation.
More Americans died from the pandemic than all our wars combined. If it was a bio attack, as you claim, that makes trump the worst president in history for allowing it.
To get rid of inflation, we need to severely slow growth. A recession was almost guaranteed. Instead, we have lackluster growth. Considering the situation, that is pretty good. Even in other situations, that would not be bad.

Once again, the worst you can say about Biden is that his growth is not fantastic.
The numbers are fake and America is rocketing towards economic devastation.
Why aren't we seeing it?
More Americans died from the pandemic than all our wars combined. If it was a bio attack, as you claim, that makes trump the worst president in history for allowing it.

To get rid of inflation, we need to severely slow growth. A recession was almost guaranteed. Instead, we have lackluster growth. Considering the situation, that is pretty good. Even in other situations, that would not be bad.

Once again, the worst you can say about Biden is that his growth is not fantastic.

Why aren't we seeing it?

It was, and Coron-a-crats exacerbated it, telling Americans to "get out and circulate" as late as March 2020.

Before the bio attack, GDP was a steady, sustainable 2-3% annually under Trump, wages went up 10%, inflation was less than 2%; numbers Bidumb followers can only dream about.

So you admit that the worst attack on America (in terms of number dead) happened under trump, and in fact, it was worse than all the other attacks on America combined. Wow, trump must have really fought some war when he struck back... And yet he claims he had no wars. Which is an insult to the soldiers that died while he was in office... But one fantasy at a time.

Claiming that trump was president during an attack that was worse than all the other attacks on America combined, and did nothing does not help get trump elected.

Before the bio attack, GDP was a steady, sustainable 2-3% annually under Trump,
Both Biden and trump are hitting 2-3% ANNUALLY(didn't think I would notice that "annually" technicality?). For instance, trump had Q4 of 2018 with only 0.7% GDP growth, which is lower than 1.4%.

Fighting the inflation is dragging on the economy, but still we have growth. That is amazing.
Richard Wolff talks a lot about how our GDP numbers are manufactured and not to be taken regime propaganda.
I just the other day heard from Escobar that the top 4 economies are China/America/India/Russia....which is why if India drops neutrality and goes into China Bloc we are good and fucked.

They also kick our ass militarily even with our friends such as Europe....which have almost no military at all at this point.
Putin is currently pleading with Modi for India and China to come to terms in time to save the World from the dying American Empire incinerating the World on the way out.
I saw someone say the other day that China is currently doing 230 TIMES the military ship building America is.

Something to notice
My grapevine has been talking about how our debt service costs now are greater than our military spending....which is historically the point where empires collapse.
So you admit that the worst attack on America (in terms of number dead) happened under trump, and in fact, it was worse than all the other attacks on America combined. Wow, trump must have really fought some war when he struck back... And yet he claims he had no wars. Which is an insult to the soldiers that died while he was in office... But one fantasy at a time.

Claiming that trump was president during an attack that was worse than all the other attacks on America combined, and did nothing does not help get trump elected.

Both Biden and trump are hitting 2-3% ANNUALLY(didn't think I would notice that "annually" technicality?). For instance, trump had Q4 of 2018 with only 0.7% GDP growth, which is lower than 1.4%.

Fighting the inflation is dragging on the economy, but still we have growth. That is amazing.
Can't read? The PATHETIC 1.4% IS ANNUAL GDP rate.
Can't read? The PATHETIC 1.4% IS ANNUAL GDP rate.
That is the GDP rate for Q1 2024. It is annualized, but not annual. 2024 is still happening. We will not know the annual GDP rate for 2024 until well into 2025.

So I guess the question is can you read? Do you know what date it is? Do you know that 2024 has not ended yet?
That is the GDP rate for Q1 2024. It is annualized, but not annual. 2024 is still happening. We will not know the annual GDP rate for 2024 until well into 2025.

So I guess the question is can you read? Do you know what date it is? Do you know that 2024 has not ended yet?
You cant possibly be as dumb as you act.....this is an act.
Can't read? The PATHETIC 1.4% IS ANNUAL GDP rate.
Just checked an for the year from Q2 2023 to Q1 2024, the GDP rate was 3%. That is very impressive considering the world we are in. We beat China at points in that year, which no other President has done in the last 40 or so years.
You cant possibly be as dumb as you act.....this is an act.
Think about this, before the pandemic, the biggest growth quarter trump had was 4.1% in Q4 of 2017. Biden beats that with 4.9% for Q3 of 2023.

Our economy is too strong, and that is causing the inflation to become self reenforcing. Obviously, it was going to have to drop from 4.9%. It was kept in positive territory, so it is pretty good, considering the circumstances.
That is the GDP rate for Q1 2024. It is annualized, but not annual. 2024 is still happening. We will not know the annual GDP rate for 2024 until well into 2025.

So I guess the question is can you read? Do you know what date it is? Do you know that 2024 has not ended yet?
The first quarter has...and it SUCKED, contrary to the continuous left lies about the economy.
Think about this, before the pandemic, the biggest growth quarter trump had was 4.1% in Q4 of 2017. Biden beats that with 4.9% for Q3 of 2023.

Our economy is too strong, and that is causing the inflation to become self reenforcing. Obviously, it was going to have to drop from 4.9%. It was kept in positive territory, so it is pretty good, considering the circumstances.
Growth was far easier after the democrat shutdowns wrecked the economy, when you're starting from zero.

Trump maintained a steady 2-3 %, 10% wage growth, less than 2% inflation.

Bidne couldn't even DREAM of such numbers.
The first quarter has...and it SUCKED, contrary to the continuous left lies about the economy.
No, sucked would be negative growth. Positive growth is good. Usually, we would call that lackluster growth, but given that the Fed needs to drive down growth, that is more OK growth.