current list of possible outcomes....


fully immersed in faith..
four states still in contention.....PA, WI, MI and NV.....

according to

Demmycrats have three possible ways to 270....two of the three require them to win three of the four states....
3 Democratic Party Winning Combinations
1 PA MI 274
2 PA WI NV 274
3 MI WI NV 270

Republicans have five possible ways to 270....none of them require them to win three of the four states....
1 PA MI 284
2 PA WI 278
3 MI WI 274
4 PA NV 274
5 MI NV 270
????....did you mean nine of the four or none of the four....

I deleted my post because I can’t speak for PA but just looking at Twitter it seems Trump had early leads in those states based on Election Day votes but as mail in ballots are being counted he’s lost it and most remaining mail in ballots to be counted are from blue areas. It’s not to say he still can’t win but not looking good for him in any of those states.
I think the pundits are making an error regarding early ballots......I am one of Michigan's early uncounted are a lot of people I know.......there is no reason to assume that those votes will be for Biden.....