Cypress, got any info on pet chips ?


Villified User
I am working on a patent and need a source of technical info on the chips that we put under our pets skin. Do you have a source of info on them ?

I particularially need the info on reading the chips, RF frequency, required RF field strength to activate the chip, data format, etc.

Thanks in advance.

I am working on a patent and need a source of technical info on the chips that we put under our pets skin. Do you have a source of info on them ?

I particularially need the info on reading the chips, RF frequency, required RF field strength to activate the chip, data format, etc.

Thanks in advance.

If you are working on a are claiming to be a inventor...can't you invent the technical information rather than use someone elses? This smacks of patent infringment.................:cof1:
BB, You are an idiot, how many different patented technologies are in your Texas Ranger truck ? Are all of them owned by the truck manufacturer ? Ever hear of liscencsing fees ?

Just polish your gun some more dude.
BB, You are an idiot, how many different patented technologies are in your Texas Ranger truck ? Are all of them owned by the truck manufacturer ? Ever hear of liscencsing fees ?

Just polish your gun some more dude.

Looks like BB has been going a little heavy on the Irish whiskey in his morning coffee.

BB, You are an idiot, how many different patented technologies are in your Texas Ranger truck ? Are all of them owned by the truck manufacturer ? Ever hear of liscencsing fees ?

Just polish your gun some more dude.

and what pray tell does this little rant have anything to do with my little snip question addressing your lack of ability to invent?:rolleyes:
and what pray tell does this little rant have anything to do with my little snip question addressing your lack of ability to invent?:rolleyes:

If you do not understand then that is your problem.

Just keep polishing your bullet in your shirt pocket BarneyBorn.
Once again............

As I said idjit, did you never hear of liscencing fees ?

I guess apple does not have a patent on the jesus phone either ?

This has nothing to do with your original posting...I never said one cannot aquire the patent rights...the Japenese are masters on improving existing patents...I merely suggested you 'invent' rather than aquire others patent rights...:pke:
I am working on a patent and need a source of technical info on the chips that we put under our pets skin. Do you have a source of info on them ?

I particularially need the info on reading the chips, RF frequency, required RF field strength to activate the chip, data format, etc.

Thanks in advance.

check your PM!