Dad pulls gun on football coach ...


Holy crap!

I've seen parents get 'way "overenthusiastic" during kids' hockey games, and have heard similar horror stories about Little League baseball, but this one takes the cake!:eek:

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- The father of a young football player pulled a gun on his son's coach because he didn't think the boy was getting enough playing time, Philadelphia police said on Monday.

Wayne Derkotch, 40, was charged with aggravated assault after getting in a fight with the coach over the amount of time the boy was getting on the field at a game for 6- and 7-year-olds on Sunday morning, said police spokesman Officer Raul Malveiro.

"There was a physical altercation about what child should play or not play and then he pulled the gun," Malveiro said.

There were no injuries and Derkotch fled before being arrested after a complaint was made by the coach, whose name was not released, Malveiro said.

Parental behavior at children's sports events has come under scrutiny from groups such as the Citizenship Through Sports Alliance. The group's study gave parents a D grade for their conduct and involvement at kids' games.

An Internet straw poll of nearly 3,000 by the Center for Sports Parenting found that 85 percent of the participants had witnessed parents or coaches becoming verbally abusive during games. Forty percent had seen physical abuse.

... from Monday, Oct. 23rd, 2006.
What sucks is this guy, thinking he was doing a good thing simply deprived his own child of a father!
The father should lose custody and get mental treatment. And of course be prohibited from owninga a gun. He has proven himslef to be unable to be a fit father or gun owner.