

new logo text
Let's snazz this place up. LOL
Just kidding. I found this site cooltext or something. I'll have to find a link later, but here's a test i made and saved. I like the shiny look.

gimme some ideas what you like and don't lke for a new logo. I want to kick around about a dozen ideas and then see what everyone here thinks before we make a new one.
new logo text
Let's snazz this place up. LOL
Just kidding. I found this site cooltext or something. I'll have to find a link later, but here's a test i made and saved. I like the shiny look.

gimme some ideas what you like and don't lke for a new logo. I want to kick around about a dozen ideas and then see what everyone here thinks before we make a new one.
That's pretty cool, of course the white background kinda makes it look blurry, but that would resolve itself with an image.

Get a few ideas out there. I was trying for one that would bring up the idea of Government in the mind of people on seeing the picture, but not specifically the US, so the Brits and the occasional Aussie who post won't feel all left out...
