
No, does he visit the other site? I'd love to see him on the board. He is one of the warriors that keeps that area going...

One of these times I want to add live debates that people can streamlink...
No, does he visit the other site? I'd love to see him on the board. He is one of the warriors that keeps that area going...

One of these times I want to add live debates that people can streamlink...

I don't know because I don't go to the other board. I'm loyal to you Damo, and all I get in return is your constant haranguing and not to mention your dragging your right wingnuts over here from freepers or wherever.

I'm thinking of filing a complaint.

Yeah, I liked him.
I don't know because I don't go to the other board. I'm loyal to you Damo, and all I get in return is your constant haranguing and not to mention your dragging your right wingnuts over here from freepers or wherever.

I'm thinking of filing a complaint.

Yeah, I liked him.
LOL. So do I. Actually, the friends seem to be finding the place now on their own. It looks like jpp is contagious...
LOL. So do I. Actually, the friends seem to be finding the place now on their own. It looks like jpp is contagious...

Yes, well, a lot of things are contagious.

I tried to get one of my lefty friends here, but they're busy fighting with a bunch of troll idiots on a board I left long ago. There's one conservative I would invite here, if I ever see him around. He's the only one I ever really had any tolerance for. Cawacko, for Ornot and Cypress.
Without us rightwingers the site would be an agreefest. Wouldn't that be boring?

No. "Democrats" don't get along Damo. Have you ever seen a group of leftists, yellow dog democrats, blue whatever democrats, progessives etc in one room? Prak just by himself could get into some pretty good brawls with every one of them. Trust me. I had three of them on me one time, Prak, Ornot and this guy Hobbes, because one thing I am not liberal about is people who have been convicted of hurting a child. I'm pretty much, one strike and you are out and I'm all for publishing their names, I could give a crap about their "privacy" issues. After a whole day of it, I finally told all three of them to kiss my ass and I declared victory!

We can cut each other up pretty good, don't worry. ;)
They do have some disagreement, sometimes. Usually somebody ends up getting banned for not being liberal enough.