

JPP Modarater
I couldn't get on the site for a while. Cypress told me I had to go to google, find the site and then log in. I was getting the Http 500 error message forever.
I couldn't get on the site for a while. Cypress told me I had to go to google, find the site and then log in. I was getting the Http 500 error message forever.
Hmmm... I've been having some of those problems too on ocassion. I am researching why my database seems to keep corrupting.
I couldn't get on the site for a while. Cypress told me I had to go to google, find the site and then log in. I was getting the Http 500 error message forever.

The same thing has been happening to me. I just wait a while and then try again. I didn't know about the google trick, thanks.
me too.

I sometimes get that error message, when I type jpp.com into the url address bar.

I managed to get around it by typing jpp.com into google, and logging in from there.
I've been using IE here at work today, and I get the error far less with that browser than I do with the Mozilla browser. In fact, it hasn't hit once today.
The same thing has been happening to me. I just wait a while and then try again. I didn't know about the google trick, thanks.

Thank Cypress. I would have still be typing it in and getting hte error message
I'm using IE and having the same problem everyone else seems to be. Who knows......Gremlins?
i have been getting the same error for the last few days, usually ''refresh'' will bring me to the page.... i am using an aol browser with standard dial up, which sucks wind anyway... :(