Damocles Debate me

This guy actually said that racists have lower iq's.

Well since alot of white people are racist and have an average iq of 101...

and non whites around 85 on average

and whites have built the best countries in the world ..

how can u say this with any level of intelligence?

THIS GUY CRACKS ME UP.. he talks a big game but no real education or science on the matter.
This guy actually said that racists have lower iq's.

Well since alot of white people are racist and have an average iq of 101...

and non whites around 85 on average

and whites have built the best countries in the world ..

how can u say this with any level of intelligence?

THIS GUY CRACKS ME UP.. he talks a big game but no real education or science on the matter.

????.....how can you deny that racists are the least intelligent of all humans?......
This guy actually said that racists have lower iq's.
Well since alot of white people are racist and have an average iq of 101...
and non whites around 85 on average
and whites have built the best countries in the world ..
how can u say this with any level of intelligence?
THIS GUY CRACKS ME UP.. he talks a big game but no real education or science on the matter.

It's always hilarious when some racist cracker tries to prove his IQ superiority with a poorly-spelled, ungrammatical, inelegant, and illogical post like this.

IQ tests are supposed to measure innate intelligence, i.e., ability to solve problems. However, they're of necessity biased from the start against those with poor to no reading skills and/or formal education.

So let's say we want to examine whether Mitch (an American) is as intelligent as Koinet (a Masai Kenyan cattleman) and Nukilik, an Inupiat villager and subsistence hunter.

First we plunk Mitch down in the bush in Kenya. Since this isn't "Naked and Afraid," we'll let him have some clothes and shoes, at least.... although to be fair he *should* have nothing. It's quite warm and the rainy season was long ago. Mitch walks a while, sweats a lot, gets quite thirsty. Crap, there are no stores with bottled water, no drinking fountains either. He stumbles across a drying pond that is mostly mud. Because we're going to assume that Mitch has some kind of an IQ, we'll say that Mitch notices a lot of animal tracks around the mud hole. Some of them are pretty big. Is it safe to approach and get a drink? Will he get some sort of amoebic or other parasitical infection from that filthy water? Will something jump out of the surrounding foliage and attack him? He has no clue. But he's thirsty, dying of thirst in his terms, so he ignores the fact that no birds are vocalizing, and decides to take a chance. As he leans over the muddy water and scoops up a drink, the last thing Mitch sees is the shadow of something large behind him, claws extended, eyes intent. The following day, Koinet and his son collect the remains, identify the dinner, and contact authorities to notify Mitch's next of kin.

Next, let's pluck Mitch away from the keyboard in his comfy basement and drop him in Alaska. No, not in Anchorage or Fairbanks though. We're going to put him in Noorvik, Alaska. The first thing Mitch notices is the cold. It's April, but still far below freezing. His fatboy shorts, sandals, and death metal t-shirt aren't cutting the mustard. He's a smart kid though, and quickly spies the snow-machine tracks. "There must be a town nearby!" thinks our intrepid high-IQ hero. So he follows the tracks. Unfortunately since his only experience with winter was the one time it snowed in third grade and he got a free day off school, he doesn't notice that the tracks lead over a frozen river. It's April. Not break-up time. But close enough that Nukilik and his kin know that walking over a body of water = death. Too bad Mitch never studied anything beyond video games and Celebrity Apprentice. Nukilik and family find his mostly-eaten remains in July.
It's always hilarious when some racist cracker tries to prove his IQ superiority with a poorly-spelled, ungrammatical, inelegant, and illogical post like this.

IQ tests are supposed to measure innate intelligence, i.e., ability to solve problems. However, they're of necessity biased from the start against those with poor to no reading skills and/or formal education.

So let's say we want to examine whether Mitch (an American) is as intelligent as Koinet (a Masai Kenyan cattleman) and Nukilik, an Inupiat villager and subsistence hunter.

First we plunk Mitch down in the bush in Kenya. Since this isn't "Naked and Afraid," we'll let him have some clothes and shoes, at least.... although to be fair he *should* have nothing. It's quite warm and the rainy season was long ago. Mitch walks a while, sweats a lot, gets quite thirsty. Crap, there are no stores with bottled water, no drinking fountains either. He stumbles across a drying pond that is mostly mud. Because we're going to assume that Mitch has some kind of an IQ, we'll say that Mitch notices a lot of animal tracks around the mud hole. Some of them are pretty big. Is it safe to approach and get a drink? Will he get some sort of amoebic or other parasitical infection from that filthy water? Will something jump out of the surrounding foliage and attack him? He has no clue. But he's thirsty, dying of thirst in his terms, so he ignores the fact that no birds are vocalizing, and decides to take a chance. As he leans over the muddy water and scoops up a drink, the last thing Mitch sees is the shadow of something large behind him, claws extended, eyes intent. The following day, Koinet and his son collect the remains, identify the dinner, and contact authorities to notify Mitch's next of kin.

Next, let's pluck Mitch away from the keyboard in his comfy basement and drop him in Alaska. No, not in Anchorage or Fairbanks though. We're going to put him in Noorvik, Alaska. The first thing Mitch notices is the cold. It's April, but still far below freezing. His fatboy shorts, sandals, and death metal t-shirt aren't cutting the mustard. He's a smart kid though, and quickly spies the snow-machine tracks. "There must be a town nearby!" thinks our intrepid high-IQ hero. So he follows the tracks. Unfortunately since his only experience with winter was the one time it snowed in third grade and he got a free day off school, he doesn't notice that the tracks lead over a frozen river. It's April. Not break-up time. But close enough that Nukilik and his kin know that walking over a body of water = death. Too bad Mitch never studied anything beyond video games and Celebrity Apprentice. Nukilik and family find his mostly-eaten remains in July.

1. U nitpicked typos as a debate point? oh wow u are such a great debator
This guy actually said that racists have lower iq's.

Well since alot of white people are racist and have an average iq of 101...

and non whites around 85 on average

and whites have built the best countries in the world ..

how can u say this with any level of intelligence?

THIS GUY CRACKS ME UP.. he talks a big game but no real education or science on the matter.

Do you have actual data to support that a lot of white people are racists, and not just leftist talking points?
Do you have actual data to support that a lot of white people are racists, and not just leftist talking points?

yes dummy

98% of whites moved out of detroit u idiot

all the whites have moved out of Baltimore

Whites are nice .. but we realize as a group living around black people sucks.. HUGE CRIME. WE DOTN WANT MIXED UGLIER LOWER IQ'D KIDS ETC

yes dummy

98% of whites moved out of detroit u idiot

all the whites have moved out of Baltimore

Whites are nice .. but we realize as a group living around black people sucks.. HUGE CRIME. WE DOTN WANT MIXED UGLIER LOWER IQ'D KIDS ETC


People are also moving out of white cities like Seattle and SF.