
The Dalai Lama also believes in many weird things that I don't believe in. He is not, however, a scientist of any note.
When was this silly video made?

There is overwhelming circumstantial and physical evidence that the Earth is a hollow planet. Watch the film, Damo. Keep and open mind for 30 minutes. Ok?

Here is what I have gathered about inner-Earth geography: beneath the North Pole is the continent of Eden. This is where Abraham, Moses, and other Patriarchs awaited the Resurrection of Christ. (They were probably given temporary "spiritual bodies"). This is also where Christ went for three days, according to His own words. This place is currently inhabited by faeries, gnomes, and other peace-loving creatures.

Four rivers flow through Eden, and lead to a great ocean.
Across the ocean is the land of the Giants (Nephilim).
There is overwhelming circumstantial and physical evidence that the Earth is a hollow planet. Watch the film, Damo. Keep and open mind for 30 minutes. Ok?

Here is what I have gathered about inner-Earth geography: beneath the North Pole is the continent of Eden. This is where Abraham, Moses, and other Patriarchs awaited the Resurrection of Christ. (They were probably given temporary "spiritual bodies"). This is also where Christ went for three days, according to His own words. This place is currently inhabited by faeries, gnomes, and other peace-loving creatures.

Four rivers flow through Eden, and lead to a great ocean.
Across the ocean is the land of the Giants (Nephilim).
I watched all of it. There is no empirical evidence from any convincingly satisfying authority.

Now, Tibetan Monks believe that Shambhala is the "center of the Earth", however most of them believe it is or was a real place in the Himalayas. That they call it the "center of the Earth" is no more astounding than the Japanese stating the same thing about their Island or any other civilization stating the same thing. The belief of a hollow earth doesn't seem to enter into any writing whatsoever I have read by the Dalai Lama.

Still he does believe many odd things that I do not, so it is possible that he just didn't bother to write about it in his books of Shambhala.

Having somebody say, "The Dalai Lama said this." doesn't really mean that he actually said it without a reference to his writing. I can say you said any number of things. I can even do it on video. I notice that they had no video of him stating it and of the question asked to him.

Imagine, "Is the Center of the Earth really a myth?" His answer, according to everything I have read by him would be an unequivocal, "No!" It wouldn't mean that he believes the world to be hollow and inhabited by a super race of beings.

What I have seen so far in the video, and am like to see on continuing it, is taking myths and superstitions and stringing them together to make a "convincing" web of myth.

Seriously dude... You need to get help. Believing this unequivocally is a mental disorder.
It would be fun to go on their journey, if it hadn't already been done and failed. I mean that video had to be made in the 50s.
Here is a good place for you to go and read up on the actual science that I presented in your other thread on this topic.


Make sure to read more than the description and "keep an open mind".

Pay particular attention to the "center of gravity" portion, you will recognize the quandary I previously described, that of no gravity whatsoever.
People used to be persecuted in many ways for saying that the earth was not the center of the universe too.

I guess these "centrists" are all just wrong ?

Was that film made about the same time a Jules Verne's novel ?

North pole ? Ohh well then it must be true, is Santa Abraham ?
Augustine, You are wrong. The hollow core of the Earth is made of really strong Danish Blue cheese.

There is as much evidence of this as that the Earth is hollow and full of fairies.....
Augustine, You are wrong. The hollow core of the Earth is made of really strong Danish Blue cheese.

That would explain the methane and sulphur dioxide venting from under the earth...You might be onto something there AnyOld :)
I do no believe in a Hollow Earth. The center of the earth is full of Molten Hot Magma at the core. There are sharks with laser beams on their heads, but no faeries.