Dancing with Dogs on now!


For whoever's online right now, there's a program on Animal Planet that's just starting now, should be a couple of hours, on the training and development and performances of people and dogs who compete in dog dancing events. If you've never seen this it might be worth a peek; it's fantastic!

The first time I saw one of these clips, apart from my amazement, I could only wonder how long (and how) somebody would train with a dog to do this. It's incredible.
With one or two exceptions, it wasn't as good as I'd hoped, but it was funny at times. The Beginners' group reminded me of some competitors in our novice Agility trials, and why our teacher/coach insists that we not compete until we're absolutely ready. Last night one Golden retriever even just trotted right out of the ring instead of doing the dance routine!

Grind, some (maybe most) of the dogs had on some sort of costume, not something I like doing. I made my guys wear a Santa hat last year for literally a few seconds for a picture; they weren't impressed. We won't be repeating that. :)
Never put a costume on a dog. Let them keep what little dignity they have.


I wish the kids hadn't seen it. One is already talking about teaching the aussie to dance.

Never put a costume on a dog. Let them keep what little dignity they have.


I wish the kids hadn't seen it. One is already talking about teaching the aussie to dance.


Do you really want to live in a world where dogs are not free to express themselves by donning a ball gown or chicken suit?

Sometimes i wonder if i ever knew you at all.

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/InDognito-Canines-Costume-Karen-Ngo/dp/0316035505/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1228731658&sr=8-1"]Amazon.com: InDognito: A Book of Canines in Costume: Karen Ngo: Books[/ame]
My wife and mother-in-law insist on putting sweaters and hat on my in-law's dachund. Poor bastard. Its not enough that nature built him so that he cannot walk in the grass without dragging his bits in the frost, now they want to humiliate him with accessories.

I miss having a real dog. Right now we have, due to some turmoil in the family, a pair of ferrets. My 12 year old talks about training them. lol How do you train an animal that has the attention span of just a few seconds? Its like squirrels with ADHD and an attitude.
My wife and mother-in-law insist on putting sweaters and hat on my in-law's dachund. Poor bastard. Its not enough that nature built him so that he cannot walk in the grass without dragging his bits in the frost, now they want to humiliate him with accessories.

I miss having a real dog. Right now we have, due to some turmoil in the family, a pair of ferrets. My 12 year old talks about training them. lol How do you train an animal that has the attention span of just a few seconds? Its like squirrels with ADHD and an attitude.
We used to have one we named "King Rat", I doubt my kids will ever get the literary reference, even though I own the book.