Dano I found Nancy Pelosi for you

She is the Dems leader, she would be the new speaker, why have we heard virtually nothing from her in the last month before this election?
The Dem party realizes the obvious, which is that America is not interested in electing left-wing Liberals to power, so they get her to clam up and be invisible.
Seems to be working though...

get ready for ownage.....

she's in Connecticut campaigning...

The California Democrat is poised to become the next speaker if her party wins control of Congress Tuesday. And that explains why she came to Connecticut Sunday to rally supporters of Democratic congressional challengers Chris Murphy, Joe Courtney and Diane Farrell.


DAN :clink: OWNED

:cheer:yaaaayyyy DANOWNED!!! :cheer:
dano's like a hit and run...

he posts some :bs: then disappears.. only to reappear hours later and tell of how he works for a living and is not a lazy liberal lounging like layaway left from liberal loungers.
Rob, and is Connecticut a moderate state where she could tip the balance for those candidates needing a boost from their leader?
Is Connecticut a big media market area giving her national press attention?

So exactly, she is keeping a low visible profile in a safe Liberal dominated state like Connecticut where her presence won't turn off Conservative or moderate voters like in other states.
So theDanold takes back the throneage with crownage and sends Libs back to the stoneage with ownage. Ooooh yeah.
So exactly, she is keeping a low visible profile in a safe Liberal dominated state like Connecticut where her presence won't turn off Conservative or moderate voters like in other states.
Sorry Danny Boy, but you're wrong.
11-06) 04:00 PST New Britain, Conn. -- The Bianca ballroom of the Generale Ameglio M.B. Civic Society is 3,003 miles from the corner of Haight and Ashbury, and judging from the ceiling-length mirrors, the pink Venetian blinds, and the ziti and meatballs being served from tin tubs Sunday, it may be even farther culturally.

Yet there was Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco's representative in Congress, the woman who would be speaker of the House, imploring the blue-collar Yankees to hit the streets Tuesday on behalf of Democrats.

It was the fourth of six districts Pelosi visited in a 30-hour dash that began in the western suburbs of Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon and ended Sunday evening about 100 miles north of New York City.

The six districts represent 40 percent of the 15 seats Democrats need to win control of the House. Polls show Democrats running even or slightly ahead in all six.

Watching Pelosi work the rooms thousands of miles from her home provides an insight into why Republican efforts to depict her as a liberal bogeyman have had little apparent effect.

Pelosi dresses conservatively, speaks moderately, and stays away from districts where her presence would be a distraction. Opponents who have caricatured her as agent of the liberal fringe overlook her pragmatic instincts and her Baltimore roots (her father and brother were both mayor), where campaigning among socially conservative, working-class voters is a requisite for victory.

. . .
You know what's really ironic; bush can't campaign anywhere outside of Utah and Montana. Even in Florida the republican running for governer ran like hell from being seen with him.

I guess the message Dano gets from that is: America loves Bush!
America is more comfortable with Conservatives, which Bush is not as shown by his inability to veto any spending like Reagan did.

Bush is also not popular for Iraq, not because of his (nonexistent but supposed) Conservatism.
The same cannot be said of Pelosi, she is not popular because she is a far-left San Fran Liberal, simple as that.
America is more comfortable with Conservatives, which Bush is not as shown by his inability to veto any spending like Reagan did.

Bush is also not popular for Iraq, not because of his (nonexistent but supposed) Conservatism.
The same cannot be said of Pelosi, she is not popular because she is a far-left San Fran Liberal, simple as that.

Dano I hate to burst your bubble, but most Americans don't know who Nancy Pelosi is. Nor care. This idea that they don't like her is pushed by far right wingnuts like yourself.

It's hard to dislike someone you've never even heard of.
Dano I hate to burst your bubble, but most Americans don't know who Nancy Pelosi is. Nor care. This idea that they don't like her is pushed by far right wingnuts like yourself.

It's hard to dislike someone you've never even heard of.

I actually have to agree, but think: when most people hear of someone new that may be in power soon, they then have more of an interest in finding out what kind of person they are, their voting record, where they're from, how they are thought of as ideologically.
Which backs up my point on why the national Dem party is keeping her out of the limelight.
I actually have to agree, but think: when most people hear of someone new that may be in power soon, they then have more of an interest in finding out what kind of person they are, their voting record, where they're from, how they are thought of as ideologically.
Which backs up my point on why the national Dem party is keeping her out of the limelight.

Pay attention The Danold. Go to your local coffeee shop or the local community college and check the bulletin boards and see if you can find someone to aid you in your feeble attempts to write a coherent sentence.
It should be easy to find someone. I hear tell a monkey could compose all of Shakespear if given enough time on a computer. So go for it...
Pay attention The Danold. Go to your local coffeee shop or the local community college and check the bulletin boards and see if you can find someone to aid you in your feeble attempts to write a coherent sentence.
It should be easy to find someone. I hear tell a monkey could compose all of Shakespear if given enough time on a computer. So go for it...
Shhhh, quiet son, the adults are talking.
the speaker won't push her agenda, she'll push the democratic agenda....she may lead the caucus, but she doesn't ever speak for the caucus or cram her agenda down their throats.... dano just doesn't understand how democratic caucuses work. Probably because he has never been in one.
the speaker won't push her agenda, she'll push the democratic agenda....she may lead the caucus, but she doesn't ever speak for the caucus or cram her agenda down their throats.... dano just doesn't understand how democratic caucuses work. Probably because he has never been in one.

No I've never been in a Democrat caucus. Guess what dickweed? Neither have you, or anyone else on this board.
No I've never been in a Democrat caucus. Guess what dickweed? Neither have you, or anyone else on this board.

I have never been to a national congressional democratic caucus, but I have been to many many many maine state democratic caucuses.... and the process is identical. So...dickweed... I HAVE been in a democrat caucus, And, as I said, you haven't.

And, as I have said, the leader of a democratic caucus is similiar to the guy who herds cats..... if you think that Pelosi "sets the agenda" for the House democrats, you are clearly buying into the Rush/Hannity talking points. But who on here ever expected a moronic hack like you to show any deeper level of understanding than that, anyway?
America is more comfortable with Conservatives, which Bush is not as shown by his inability to veto any spending like Reagan did.

Bush is also not popular for Iraq, not because of his (nonexistent but supposed) Conservatism.
The same cannot be said of Pelosi, she is not popular because she is a far-left San Fran Liberal, simple as that.

bush is not popular anymore because virtually no one trusts him any more. When a "leader" loses the trust of his people he is done, turn him with a fork.