dano webb takes the lead... LOL

CHAPDOG, Oct. 27: “Jim Webb is not fit to be a senetor”

look what he writes about:

narratives from Jim Webb’s novels inserted here…

My sister and BIL.. also independents but leaning democrat are not going to vote for him now because of this.. neither are most of there friends in Midlothian

the guy clearly has mental issues ….I put myself in a VA voters mind becasue i know the area.. no freaking chance they will vote for him now after this.


TPM.com, Oct. 31: Webb surges to lead - polls trending Webb’s way. Did Allen attack on Webb’s novels backfire?

Two polls came out today showing Webb ahead. One was a poll sponsored by Democrats that had Webb up 47% to 43%. This evening though CNN released a poll with a similar spread -- Webb 50%, Allen 46%. On top of that, another public poll is soon to be released which shows Webb ahead by a comparable margin. These are very thin leads. But they are leads. And they become more significant when you look at the record of polling in this race over the last three months. Trending Webb’s way.

sorry to post from the other site, but i think its funny and i want dano da mano to see it...
I have always thought Webb would pull it out. You cant attack someone legitmatly for art they created. What matters, and the people of Virginia know this, is what his policies are.

The guy did not do anything wrong, he wrote a fiction book, just like Lyn Cheney. The only thing Lyn Cheney did wrong was be a hypocrate about it.
it would seem that more and more virginia voters are figuring out what I have known for a long long time - that Jim Webb is a really smart man... a warrior and hero...a critically acclaimed author, a legal scholar... a compassionate and competent public servant.

Smear campaigns by Allen - and echoed here by danodeslanderousmoronicmano - are backfiring. I cannot say that I am surprised by that.
it would seem that more and more virginia voters are figuring out what I have known for a long long time - that Jim Webb is a really smart man... a warrior and hero...a critically acclaimed author, a legal scholar... a compassionate and competent public servant.

Smear campaigns by Allen - and echoed here by danodeslanderousmoronicmano - are backfiring. I cannot say that I am surprised by that.
I'm more inclined to think it's dissatisfaction with Allen, rather than enthusiasm for Webb, that will turn it. Allen shot himself in the foot. Repeatedly.
People dont like career politians... Point out that Webb is a novelist just illistrates that they are very different people. Allen a career politian, Webb a renaussance man!
If both of these polls hold and the Democrats actually pull away in the end, the Senate will be 52-48 with Democrats and Independents controlling. Giving a clear majority of seats to the Democrats. What that margin will mean, given the right wing leanings of some of these new Democrats is hard to say. But I definitely see the Democrats taking the Senate. I am not alone in this prognostication, the business community is beginning to see the writing on the wall as well and like Cheney who is busy campaigning and shredding incriminating documents, businesses around the nation have begun dumping money into Democratic coffers in case things go south for them, they want to have all their bases covered. Another reason why I think little real change will occur with a Democratically controlled Senate. They may hold Bush's feet to the fire but even that seems a little unlikely at this point.
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Too many dirty hands on the demoncrate side as well Prakosh. Not much will happen, some dog and pony shows, but no real actions.
If both of these polls hold and the Democrats actually pull away in the end, the Senate will be 52-48 with Democrats and Independents controlling. Giving a clear majority of seats to the Democrats. What that margin will mean, given the right wing leanings of some of these new Democrats is hard to say. But I definitely see the Democrats taking the Senate. I am not alone in this prognostication, the business community is beginning to see the writing on the wall as well and like Cheney who is busy campaigning and shredding incriminating documents, businesses around the nation have begun dumping money into Democratic coffers in case things go south for them, they want to have all their bases covered. Another reason why I think little real change will occur with a Democratically controlled Senate. They may hold Bush's feet to the fire but even that seems a little unlikely at this point.

It will mean lots of investigations into the President but not a lot different in policy. We may change some strageties and the Democrats may be able to prey Rumsfeld out of his position as Secretary of Defense. It will mean that Bush's Tax giveaways will expire and that the Medicare and SS plans are DOA. It will limit Bush from accomplishing anything further on his agenda and they will likely try to roll back the limits on stem cell research.

I dont think it will change anything about the War, other than we may learn more about how we ended up where we are.
Too many dirty hands on the demoncrate side as well Prakosh. Not much will happen, some dog and pony shows, but no real actions.

Right uscitizen. And I really think that when all is said and done Senator Macaca will end up winning this seat. A shame, but I really think that's the way it will pan out.