Dante's Inferno


Why is "Inferno" considered such a great work of art? Dante is just a goddamn egoist, who wrote down three novels in which he praises himself to high heaven and condemns all of his enemies (they all wind up in hell, conveniently enough).

I also find the middle age concept of justice amusing. Homosexuals are put in the same level of hell as murders, and they are actually above petty thieves. In my view, the lowest level of hell is reserved for murders, rapists, child molesters, and the RIAA.

And seriously, reading about how these people viewed hell, I mean, do Christians have Stockholme Syndrome or something? God abuses people for not bowing down and worshipping him above everything else in life. He puts lovers in hell for dying with each other. What kind of a power trip is that guy getting off with? I mean, it's just plain wrong, and morally reprehensible, and whenever I was reading a literary analysis of Inferno I contorted my face in disgust as the the analyzer actually defended this shit. They worhsip a powerful abuser - classic Stockholme Syndrome.
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Why is "Inferno" considered such a great work of art? Dante is just a goddamn egoist, who wrote down three novels in which he praises himself to high heaven and condemns all of his enemies (they all wind up in hell, conveniently enough).

I also find the middle age concept of justice amusing. Homosexuals are put in the same level of hell as murders, and they are actually above petty thieves. In my view, the lowest level of hell is reserved for murders, rapists, child molesters, and the RIAA, but that's just me.

And seriously, reading about how these people viewed hell, I mean, do Christians have Stockholme Syndrome or something? God abuses people for not bowing down and worshipping him above everything else in life. He puts lovers in hell for dying with each other. What kind of a power trip is that guy getting off with? I mean, it's just plain wrong, and morally reprehensible, and whenever I was reading a literary analysis of Inferno I contorted my face in disgust as the the analyzer actually defended this shit. They worhsip a powerful abuser - classic Stockholme Syndrome.

For serious reading, I suggest the 'Sweet Valley High" series. Not the tv series, the actual books. I contorted my face in disgust when mother wouldn't buy them for me, calling them 'supefical' and "stupid'. She was always so cold and pretentious.
I am Dante... I travel through hell, and purgatory, and heaven, where all of my enemies are condemned and I get to go to heaven and bang Beatrice, who I stalked in life. Boo yah. I'm so great, everyone worship me.

There is a reason this poem was ignored in the enlightenment, and only brought back up once the theocrats got back into power.
The only "literary contribution" Dante made to the world is to show how stupid people were in the middle ages. It shows that this was the only thing that survived. Everything else was just reproductions of the bible, and anything good and enlightening was burned.
I'm sorry?

Dante was a egotist cunt. The Inferno is not a serious literary work.

Jessica Wakefield was a real cunt, too. Just because she was the pretty twin didn't mean she was all that. She wasn't no big thing. I wish I lived in Sweet Valley - where the sun always shines, the mall is always open. :)
Watermark treads lonely, through hell
And views a twutter
Brent burning
And Superfreak running through firey rain
These are the extreme forms of the way they chose to live their life
Which was not with Watermark
So they burn
But the real punishment was reserved for Said1
Who had to sit for all eternity reading Dantes trillion word poem about how great he is
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Dante's Inferno was a depiction of hell described in the Book of Enoch. It wasn't conjured from thin air.
I thought Dante Gabriel Rossetti could draw rather well. That other Dante, was he his uncle or something, same name and all, no, didn't like him at all.
I thought Dante Gabriel Rossetti could draw rather well. That other Dante, was he his uncle or something, same name and all, no, didn't like him at all.

There are two sets of comments on the page. One by a student, and one by the editor and translator. The student is unbearably idiotic. She says stuff like "People in hell all choose to be there" - which is normal Christian nonsense but usually completely stupid misinterpretations of a passage that is stupid whenever interpreted correctly. And it's usually completely irrelevant and random. Get a life, man.

Then there's the translator, who while more intelligent, is clearly one of those Christian fundamentalists. I cringe everytime he tries to defend some of this middle-age stupidity.