Dare to compare

Still hard to believe that the Trumpkins don't understand the difference between the two, they still think it is 2016

Lets give it a try, pay attention now, Biden purposely discourages crowds, we will say it again, Biden purposely discourages crowds, the thought is that COVID is still a problem in the US, and COVID is spread thru social contact, ergo, the less social contact, fewer crowds, the better, for those there, and those who will see the others at some point in the near future

Now we have Trump on his catch COVID Tour, he don't give a rat's ass about those attending his pep rallies, the more the better, the closer the better, just ask Herman Cain, opps, forgot, that's not possible any longer

Think you got it now?
Still hard to believe that the Trumpkins don't understand the difference between the two, they still think it is 2016

Lets give it a try, pay attention now, Biden purposely discourages crowds, we will say it again, Biden purposely discourages crowds, the thought is that COVID is still a problem in the US, and COVID is spread thru social contact, ergo, the less social contact, fewer crowds, the better, for those there, and those who will see the others at some point in the near future

Now we have Trump on his catch COVID Tour, he don't give a rat's ass about those attending his pep rallies, the more the better, the closer the better, just ask Herman Cain, opps, forgot, that's not possible any longer

Think you got it now?

Let's give this a try. Biden can't draw crowds and all you have for him is excuses. All the crowds that gather in large groups to riot, loot, and generally act as thugs while pushing the left wing agenda doesn't seem to be a problem. \\

Think you have it now, Kunta?
Dr. Anomalous Lesion, is the point of this is that Trump needs yuge motorcades to compensate for his small hands? And you identify with him?