DARK MILESTONE: More Americans Have Now Died In Iraq Than On 9/11


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Numbers: 3,015 Americans died (military deaths) as of September 9, 2006. 2,973 Americans died during the attacks on 9/11. - "Iraq didn't attack us on that day, and our misguided policy there has now taken more American lives than Al Qaeda."

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And more people die each year from medical error than both of those listed combined. We need a war on doctors ;)
Yep, no more births and in 100 yrs or so guaranteed no more deaths.
No problems with education, religion, violence, etc....Perhaps the only way to end wars....
Another milestone that will be achieved is that more civilians will die in the Iraq war then were killed by Saddam's Baathist regime.
Now that one will be hard to prove though, I have seen estimates as high as over 500K on civie deaths, and as low as 30k.....