Darla wanna debate something so we can have red names ?


Villified User
AHZ has shown it needs not be a serious debate. Just declare victory and move on.
We can debate whether Rice dyes her hair or not if you want :)
AHZ has shown it needs not be a serious debate. Just declare victory and move on.
We can debate whether Rice dyes her hair or not if you want :)


That is so funny, because I was thinking of saying to DAmo, look if all there is to these debate things, is for me to challenge someone, and then when they spend like an hour writing this long thesis on it, I can say "I'm not reading that, you lose, I win", and it's over, then I want in.

That is so funny, because I was thinking of saying to DAmo, look if all there is to these debate things, is for me to challenge someone, and then when they spend like an hour writing this long thesis on it, I can say "I'm not reading that, you lose, I win", and it's over, then I want in.
Hey, it worked for Dubya. :)
Why bother with debating? Just PM Damo, and ask him to turn your name Red.

Damo's cool, and I'm sure he doesn't really care ;)
Oh just red for me to match my neck :D

actually I would prefer Blue to match my political leaning, but then Purple is red and blue combined which is more accurate I suppose....

That is so funny, because I was thinking of saying to DAmo, look if all there is to these debate things, is for me to challenge someone, and then when they spend like an hour writing this long thesis on it, I can say "I'm not reading that, you lose, I win", and it's over, then I want in.

But in truth, there was more to it than that. Ornot's "argument" is simply refusing to apply the word discrimination where it actually fits. Holding him to the actual definitions of words is all it took. It WAS easy, but it was also a substantive win.
But in truth, there was more to it than that. Ornot's "argument" is simply refusing to apply the word discrimination where it actually fits. Holding him to the actual definitions of words is all it took. It WAS easy, but it was also a substantive win.

you're delusions of grandeur never end do they?

That is so funny, because I was thinking of saying to DAmo, look if all there is to these debate things, is for me to challenge someone, and then when they spend like an hour writing this long thesis on it, I can say "I'm not reading that, you lose, I win", and it's over, then I want in.

Yeah, that'd piss me off.

That's really why all of us debaters go angry at AHZ - Ornot made like an hourlong post, then AHZ goes, doesn't read it, and makes a stupid one line retort. After that point, just about no one had any sympathy for AHZ.
Yeah, that'd piss me off.

That's really why all of us debaters go angry at AHZ - Ornot made like an hourlong post, then AHZ goes, doesn't read it, and makes a stupid one line retort. After that point, just about no one had any sympathy for AHZ.

his post was an explanation of how he woud use racial information to discriminate. All i had to do is accurately use language.
his post was an explanation of how he woud use racial information to discriminate. All i had to do is accurately use language.
All you had to do was to try and change from one definition of "discrimination" to another. Which I knew perfectly well you'd try to do: your kind always do. That's why I explicitly specified which definition of the word I was concerned with at the outset.