Darla's B-Day...


Staff member
I hope the annual celebration of the date of your emergence is both fiscally and emotionally satisfying.
Well thank you. I am expecting to have a fiscally good year. Even in my weakened condition, I signed on a decent PR job last week – on a permanent basis. I’ve gotten pretty cocky about myself lately. I’m not even afraid of jinxing it.
Happy, happy B'day, Darla, and congrats on the PR job! The coming year is looking good for you! :)
Well, it’s hard because I get so tired right now. I’m not even going to go out to eat, because it’s so awkward right now for me to do that, I don’t want an audience. But, my bf will do something nice I’m sure. He won’t get anything for it, for a while yet though! LOL.
But I have tomorrow off, and I took Wednesday off, and I plan on celebrating the election. So I’m happy.
Well, it’s hard because I get so tired right now. I’m not even going to go out to eat, because it’s so awkward right now for me to do that, I don’t want an audience. But, my bf will do something nice I’m sure. He won’t get anything for it, for a while yet though! LOL.
But I have tomorrow off, and I took Wednesday off, and I plan on celebrating the election. So I’m happy.
One of the things I love hearing is how tired adults with no kids get. Right up there in my concern list with the ones who lament how their plants health is doing.
Darla! Happy anniversary of being expelled from your mother's uterus.

I hope you have a great day! And many happy returns.
One of the things I love hearing is how tired adults with no kids get. Right up there in my concern list with the ones who lament how their plants health is doing.

King, maybe you missed the many conversations about Darla having broken her shoulder? I think that might have a little something to do with her being tired.
Birthday, eh?

True to form, as the typical English gent you know and love, i shall refrain from asking which particular milestone you've reached.

You've got the booze, you've got the pills and by Wednesday you should have a shiny new President. What's not to like? Huzzah!


Have a good one ;)
Birthday, eh?

True to form, as the typical English gent you know and love, i shall refrain from asking which particular milestone you've reached.

You've got the booze, you've got the pills and by Wednesday you should have a shiny new President. What's not to like? Huzzah!


Have a good one ;)

LOL - thanks!
King, maybe you missed the many conversations about Darla having broken her shoulder? I think that might have a little something to do with her being tired.

maybe we should have more conversations about Darla? Should this be like, the Darla board, now that the election will be over? Something to think about.
We could make a new group , Maybe something like "the people who formerly whorshiped the ground Lady T walks on and now whorship the ground Darla walks on"?
We could make a new group , Maybe something like "the people who formerly whorshiped the ground Lady T walks on and now whorship the ground Darla walks on"?

No way. Sooner or later tiana would get wind of it and my life wouldn’t be worth fifty cents!
maybe we should have more conversations about Darla? Should this be like, the Darla board, now that the election will be over? Something to think about.

What, you don't get enough private messages from men as it is?

Talk to Damo, maybe we can have a Darla Board. Or maybe a Darla Fan Club now that Lady T is all but gone.
We could make a new group , Maybe something like "the people who formerly whorshiped the ground Lady T walks on and now whorship the ground Darla walks on"?

So Darla would be the consolation prize? lol