Darla's "Future Lover"


So I thought I'd check out Paul Krugman, as I've only read some of his articles, to see what Darla is so enthused about, here are some things about Paul Krugman.

1. "Krugman worked on an advisory board for Enron throughout most of 1999"
Uh-oh Darla's future lover worked advising for the Devil themselves!

2. Krugman combines a strong respect for the free market
Hmm doesn't Darla always deride the free market, I don't know if this relationship is that compatible.

3. The editor of the New York Times took a shot at his dishonesty:
"Op-Ed columnist Paul Krugman has the disturbing habit of shaping, slicing and selectively citing numbers in a fashion that pleases his acolytes but leaves him open to substantive assaults. "
Darla can't write him off as a pissed Conservative, he was the editor of the furthest left newsrag on the market.

Well this should provide ample oppurtunity for my entertainment of the afternoon.
Oh don't be jealous Dano! If I was in a bookstore and someone said Brad Pitt was on one end of it, and Paul Krugman on the other, I'd be like "Brad who" and tear down to where Krugman was.

I will let you know when I meet him. He is usually ensconced in Princeton, but he is going to be touring for his book soon, I believe. I think he might like me, even if we might have some small differences on the free market. I just think he might.
If somebody told me Pitt and Krugman were in a store together I'd likely be caught wishing for a glimpse of J.K. Rowling... She's a hottie.
Oh don't be jealous Dano! If I was in a bookstore and someone said Brad Pitt was on one end of it, and Paul Krugman on the other, I'd be like "Brad who" and tear down to where Krugman was.

I will let you know when I meet him. He is usually ensconced in Princeton, but he is going to be touring for his book soon, I believe. I think he might like me, even if we might have some small differences on the free market. I just think he might.

Well good luck, he's not too bad a looking guy for being in his fifties, but I really think his Bush-hating attractiveness to you is overriding your view of the whole package. The guy is more free market than any lefty on here, maybe he'll teach you a thing or two.
Well good luck, he's not too bad a looking guy for being in his fifties, but I really think his Bush-hating attractiveness to you is overriding your view of the whole package. The guy is more free market than any lefty on here, maybe he'll teach you a thing or two.

He is brilliant. Brilliance in itself is very attractive.
If somebody told me Pitt and Krugman were in a store together I'd likely be caught wishing for a glimpse of J.K. Rowling... She's a hottie.

You know I've read all the Harry Potter books and by her views of the ministry (of magic) I pegged her as more of a Libertarian type. Instead she is a religious Socialist, go figure.
Hot? Yeah I guess, for her age anyway.