Darwin Day Celebration


I hope you all had a wonderful and uplifting Darwin Day today.

We could all use a little more secularism in our lives. Even the religious types.

It is Darwin day ? Thanks for the heads up, did not know that.
Is this the day they hand out the awards for the stupidest to remove themselves from the gene pool ?
Thanks Toby I am a bit low on potassium.

Haha...went in to the emergency room with chest pains and shortness of breath a few weeks ago and that's what they found out about me......extremely low potassium. They claim it wasn't heart disease related. I have since increased my intake of fruits, including bananas.
Yep I got that way from a colestrol med. did not hit the emergency room though, drank gatoraid and eat Bannanas.
yes, darwin day is hiliarious; i love the stories of all those idiots killling themselves stupidly! it's all the liberal's fault too; they always are looking at ways to protect people from their own stupidity; it might just be better to let the 'stupid' themselves right out of the gene pool......