Date # 2


Worst gambler ever
Same girl, 2nd date. I asked her if she liked pie, she said she did, and so I asked her if she wanted to join me for a slice this afternoon, and she obliged.

Problem: I have Stye Eye right now. I look like Chris Elliot in "Something About Mary". So I will make a reference to it, make a small joke, and then enjoy the company and the pie.

So long suckers.
The good wishes of the entire board go with you Mbl Beefy.

May God have mercy on your soul.
I hope she didn't oog out on the eye thing... The whole joke about it thing reminds me of the dude with the Mole in the second Austin Powers flick.
Same girl, 2nd date. I asked her if she liked pie, she said she did, and so I asked her if she wanted to join me for a slice this afternoon, and she obliged.

Problem: I have Stye Eye right now. I look like Chris Elliot in "Something About Mary". So I will make a reference to it, make a small joke, and then enjoy the company and the pie.

So long suckers.

Fuck her.
OK, Beefy, we haven't heard from you since your Date #2. That could mean that a) it went extremely well and perhaps carried on into yesterday, or
b) it went horribly, or was disappointing, and you don't want to talk about it.

Well????? :rolleyes:
A) She didn't really like pie, just wanted him to bang her. He refused and she was totally turned off. He hung himself this morning when she told him he was a pussy.

B) He banged her and got a mean STD, he's still in the bathroom scratching his nuts.

C) He made her breakfast this morning....

I'm leaning towards C....
A) She didn't really like pie, just wanted him to bang her. He refused and she was totally turned off. He hung himself this morning when she told him he was a pussy.

B) He banged her and got a mean STD, he's still in the bathroom scratching his nuts.

C) He made her breakfast this morning....

I'm leaning towards C....
D) She suggested he return to her apartment, but he decided he needed to go home right away because that is his immediate reaction when a bed and a girl might get close to one another and be in the same room as he might. She said she'd go there too, but he said he had to get up early and go to a circus convention and meet some friends to get ready to sell hot tubs to them.

I'm leaning towards "D".