
I was in Washington DC all weekend for the march. I stayed over Saturday night. My particular CodePink chapter didn't go because we had all gone down in January and they decided to do the NYC march yesterday instead. So I went down with some friends of mind from an Arab coalition here in NY. I first met them when Israel invaded Lebanon last year and have worked with them a lot since then. One difference between this group and my own; these are not peace activists, as we would think of them. These are Arab-Americans (a lot of college and graduate students) who are really pissed off. If they know what a flower child is, and being educated I'm sure they do, they certainly bear no resemblence to one.

Apparently, and I did not know this ahead of time, retarded rumors were spread around right wing sites that peace activists were going to "desecrate" the Vietnam Memorial. This is funny because I've been to more than a few marches in DC and we don't ever even go near that memorial. In fact, the very first march I went to down there, on my own time, I went to visit the memorial because I had never seen it. I took pictures of it, and cried at it. Now, I'm going to "desecrate" it. Anyway, a bunch of fat, angry, white, alleged veterans (and I'm sure some of them even were veterans) went down there to "protect" the memorial from people who were never going near it. I guess a good number of them stayed there, but some of them were up by the peace marchers.

They were confrontational and vicious. However, they did not know their "peace" groups. So when some things were yelled out right in our faces, most of my group, made up mainly of young, Arab men, turned around, walked over and said "what did you say MF"? Yes, quite a surprise to these one-celled amoebas who are so brain-washed that they believe peace protesters to consist of gay hippies who would start to sob once confronted. A very scary altercation ensued, scary because I was nervous that these passionate guys, who I've grown very fond of, and who are such warm and embracing people (to me anyway, of course I've never called them a "bunch of america-hating faggots") were going to be arrested, and so I tried very hard to get them out of there. But once the blood is pumping, you know, men, they don't listen.

It was the closest I've ever come to getting arrested...and I've been at a lot of marches, protests and actions. I've "occupied" congressional offices as part of the CodePink occupation project. Never had any run in with cops, other than the once in a while, they've asked us in a very nice way to move from a certain area for so-called "safety" reasons. I spent over ten minutes talking to the cops about what happened, trying to explain that they were provoked. I'm amazed we weren't arrested, en masse, it was touch and go.

On the bright side, that night I went to a party they were having at Poets and Busboys, and forgot about those fat bastards within ten minutes. At one point I felt a little guilty having so much fun, when I was down there for something so serious.

Anyway, right wingers; very violent people. But they do lack the capacity, along with all their other lackings, of being able to pick out the people who will smash your head, if that's what you're asking for.
I have gotten a bit meaner as I got older, but still far from bein a Rebutliken.
Keep up the good Work Darla .
I have gotten a bit meaner as I got older, but still far from bein a Rebutliken.
Keep up the good Work Darla .

LOL. I'm trying to do the opposite. I try very hard to keep my temper under control and to be understanding and all of that.

But boy, they do test your patience.
I have to tell you something else usc, just between you and me and the five other people who read this board. lol

A lot of these guys? Better looking than what should be legal.

But I was thinking about PEACE all weekend, I swear!
Now that's what I want to hear about! Hot activists!


And I really, really want to tell.

But it would be indiscreet I guess. It was fun, I'll leave it at that. It's not supposed to be fun, I think, but fun breaks out, what are you supposed to do?
Rob needs to join the protests ?

LOL. Hey I found a great pic for Rob on the Reutgers site. It's from the California protests, and someone brought a pit-bull there, and the pit-bull has a sign on it that reads "pits for peace".

I thought of him right away.
And I really, really want to tell.

But it would be indiscreet I guess. It was fun, I'll leave it at that. It's not supposed to be fun, I think, but fun breaks out, what are you supposed to do?

Seriously, being descreet is overrated anyway! Details is the way to go! :)
Seriously, being descreet is overrated anyway! Details is the way to go! :)

Yeah... you know what this makes me wonder Tiana? It makes me wonder how much trouble Rob has gotten into on his own, and how much you have encouraged him to spill.

Yeah... you know what this makes me wonder Tiana? It makes me wonder how much trouble Rob has gotten into on his own, and how much you have encouraged him to spill.


:whome: what? Little ole me? Instigator? I have no idea what you're talking about?
retarded rumors were spread around right wing sites that peace activists were going to "desecrate" the Vietnam Memorial.

Where do these rightwing Neanderthals get their "information" -- The Drudge Report?

Anyway, good job Darla. I wish I was as proactive as you!
retarded rumors were spread around right wing sites that peace activists were going to "desecrate" the Vietnam Memorial.

Where do these rightwing Neanderthals get their "information" -- The Drudge Report?

Anyway, good job Darla. I wish I was as proactive as you!

Hey, you're back. Cool.

I don't know, it was going around the internet is what people told me. I don't know if it was instigated by the RNC or the bushies, but that wouldn't surprise me. Get out a counter force and claim that there is a silent majority for the war or some such nonsense.
Good for you Darla. Its good to see people raising their voices to be heard. Been a while since I've been to a good protest.