Dead Israelis can marry/father children after death


Villified User
Victory in dead Israeli sperm row

The lawyer of an Israeli couple who won the right to use their dead son's sperm to inseminate a woman he never met says the case is a boost for family rights.

Irit Rosenblum told the BBC the landmark ruling meant family lines could continue even without the written consent of the male prior to death.

The dead man, soldier Keivin Cohen, was killed in the Gaza Strip in 2002.

A court ruled in favour of his parents who had the sperm extracted after his death, although he had not left a will.

"The drama is international, that mankind is able to continue after [a man's] death and his family can raise a new generation while he is no longer here," Ms Rosenblum said.
Wow, that is kinda wierd.

I think it really doesnt bother me because the precident can mean the person can pre death specify they want it to not be an option.

This really will only be this one guy who has it done without his permission.
I wouldnt be surprized if they presented some witness testimony about HOW much he wanted children.
What does this do for inheritance and such ? Can the children now inherit from the dead fathers family ? Isn't this technically having a child out of wedlock and a stone to death type of offense by the old testament ?
What does this do for inheritance and such ? Can the children now inherit from the dead fathers family ? Isn't this technically having a child out of wedlock and a stone to death type of offense by the old testament ?
The old testament speaks of fathering children with your dead brothers wife, so that she can have children in his name. The story of Tamar is rather interesting. But I don't recall where it says the dead should father children...
I was thinking more about a woman becoming pregnant without a living husband...
Another immaculate conception ? :O
I was thinking more about a woman becoming pregnant without a living husband...
Another immaculate conception ? :O
That's not what I would consider an immaculate conception, but if you're looking to make a point, carry on.