Deadbeat Don paid out millions in "campaign funds" to himself

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

In May 1 in 6 dollars that Donald Trump spent went to his own businesses, his family or himself, according to an analysis of new campaign finance records.

This includes payments to his Mar-a-Lago resort, Tag Air, which operates his planes and helicopters, Trump Restaurants LLC and two of his Florida golf courses.

In May 1 in 6 dollars that Donald Trump spent went to his own businesses, his family or himself, according to an analysis of new campaign finance records.

This includes payments to his Mar-a-Lago resort, Tag Air, which operates his planes and helicopters, Trump Restaurants LLC and two of his Florida golf courses.

It's not illegal, but it is just like Trump, Trump First, and he will benefit from this no matter the outcome.
His goal was, and is, to make a profit while running for president.
So far he is succeeding.
He actually got his campaign to pay him rent, for him to live in his own home that he owns, while campaigning.


Sookie, sookie, sookie!