Dear America...


New member
Dear America...
I don't speak as a Trump Supporter
I don't speak as a Hillary Supporter
I did not like Obama, Or Bush, Or Clinton...
I speak to you as a American citizen in pain of the complete chaos this country is toiling in... I speak to the citizens of America as a human...

I write only for you to consider this...

What makes America Great? I am asking a serious question and I dont intend to criticize anyone over this, I just want a honest to god response as to why... Liberals, conservatists, whites, blacks, asians, mexicans, everyone.... What makes us so righteous and great that we have the authority over nations and their fates? What makes America great? Is it that we are a super power? or that we have one of the best livelyhoods throughout the world? Is it because we are a free nation or is it because we have the luxury of being a consumer nation?

What makes any American, better than any mortal throughout the rest of this world? What makes us so entitled that we pass so much judgement and criticism to nations and populations or that we have the say to sanction nations that don't even belong to us. We do not pay their tax, we do not live in their territory... we live in a free nation bought for ourselves but why do we close borders and show nothing but resent to anything that isn't American.

There was a time when America was great this is true, but it's not the time everyone thinks of. People relate this time to fortune, wealth, prosperity, economic booms, and the growth of the nation into an epic super power ... you know what made America GREAT? Its the very same thing that brought America into power.. ...its when America opened its borders, when America cared about outsiders, when America helped nations rather than bombing them the instance they do something they dont want to hear OVER A THOUSAND MILES AWAY... Does this not sound like the very same treatment England provoked upon America during her birth? The treatment this nation sought freedom from and the very roots of its democracy were born here.

What makes Americans GREAT, is when we ignore our differences and accept the world for what it is... you cannot change people, but you can change your understanding. Instead of building fictionary imaginary walls defined by human conception, look at history and look at what happened to EVERY WALL that was ever built by man to divide people... NONE of them stand... and its because...we need each other, America cannot survive on its own. You are uprooting the very foundations of this country how can it survive without its roots?

This world you want, a GREAT AMERICA... is just a dream and thats all it will ever be... Look at everything that has come to past NOTHING functional has been produced but chaos and anger and arguments and disputes...You are building a self centered world, a world only you can live in and a world that is destined for failure..blindly.. AGONIZINGLY and painfully. This world is a self centered world all about ME... only AMERICA, only about ME... and what happens even if you succeed and there is nothing but America? Isolation... and then it won't be about will only be about ME and myself.. Trump, Hillary, Obama, NONE of them are the answer... the answer is US...It's the PEOPLE...who are the problem, not the political figures, not Trump, not Hillary, not Bush, not Obama...they are merely BI-PRODUCTS of the people of this nation... You fix the ROOTS...and you fix the problem.

God Bless this dieing nation...
I love America and her people...
I pray for all of us and pray that understanding reaches us before we ultimately cease the calamity we have been storing.

God bless you all.
Would you prefer a World run by Saudi Arabia? Where there is a King, who hands Power to his sons, and they in turn hand Power to their sons?
Would you prefer an Iranian type Theocracy running the World?
How about a Russian Strongman and his Oligarch Friends? Prefer that model?
Maybe a Chinese One Party is your choice?

As it is, the United States drew the short stick and is now entrusted to maintain Western Democracy. If you have a better idea, spit it out.
Dear America...
I don't speak as a Trump Supporter
I don't speak as a Hillary Supporter
I did not like Obama, Or Bush, Or Clinton...
I speak to you as a American citizen in pain of the complete chaos this country is toiling in... I speak to the citizens of America as a human...

I write only for you to consider this...

What makes America Great? I am asking a serious question and I dont intend to criticize anyone over this, I just want a honest to god response as to why... Liberals, conservatists, whites, blacks, asians, mexicans, everyone.... What makes us so righteous and great that we have the authority over nations and their fates? What makes America great? Is it that we are a super power? or that we have one of the best livelyhoods throughout the world? Is it because we are a free nation or is it because we have the luxury of being a consumer nation?

What makes any American, better than any mortal throughout the rest of this world? What makes us so entitled that we pass so much judgement and criticism to nations and populations or that we have the say to sanction nations that don't even belong to us. We do not pay their tax, we do not live in their territory... we live in a free nation bought for ourselves but why do we close borders and show nothing but resent to anything that isn't American.

There was a time when America was great this is true, but it's not the time everyone thinks of. People relate this time to fortune, wealth, prosperity, economic booms, and the growth of the nation into an epic super power ... you know what made America GREAT? Its the very same thing that brought America into power.. ...its when America opened its borders, when America cared about outsiders, when America helped nations rather than bombing them the instance they do something they dont want to hear OVER A THOUSAND MILES AWAY... Does this not sound like the very same treatment England provoked upon America during her birth? The treatment this nation sought freedom from and the very roots of its democracy were born here.

What makes Americans GREAT, is when we ignore our differences and accept the world for what it is... you cannot change people, but you can change your understanding. Instead of building fictionary imaginary walls defined by human conception, look at history and look at what happened to EVERY WALL that was ever built by man to divide people... NONE of them stand... and its because...we need each other, America cannot survive on its own. You are uprooting the very foundations of this country how can it survive without its roots?

This world you want, a GREAT AMERICA... is just a dream and thats all it will ever be... Look at everything that has come to past NOTHING functional has been produced but chaos and anger and arguments and disputes...You are building a self centered world, a world only you can live in and a world that is destined for failure..blindly.. AGONIZINGLY and painfully. This world is a self centered world all about ME... only AMERICA, only about ME... and what happens even if you succeed and there is nothing but America? Isolation... and then it won't be about will only be about ME and myself.. Trump, Hillary, Obama, NONE of them are the answer... the answer is US...It's the PEOPLE...who are the problem, not the political figures, not Trump, not Hillary, not Bush, not Obama...they are merely BI-PRODUCTS of the people of this nation... You fix the ROOTS...and you fix the problem.

God Bless this dieing nation...
I love America and her people...
I pray for all of us and pray that understanding reaches us before we ultimately cease the calamity we have been storing.

God bless you all.

America is great, or the best just because they say it is. It's all they got. It's a basis from fools, and team loyalists. You have to be able to speak the truth to these things. As a Michigander, even i can admit the Detroit Lions normally suck big time, because of its faults. They use to be pretty great in the Sanders years, just like America was great in it's days. Selfishness, bigotry, and greed have made this country a joke of itself.
America is great, or the best just because they say it is. It's all they got. It's a basis from fools, and team loyalists. You have to be able to speak the truth to these things. As a Michigander, even i can admit the Detroit Lions normally suck big time, because of its faults. They use to be pretty great in the Sanders years, just like America was great in it's days. Selfishness, bigotry, and greed have made this country a joke of itself.

The part about the Detroit Lions is a good metaphor because Americans treat politics like football. That means that nothing meaningful gets accomplished. Politicians are there to give us the illusion that we have choices. Politicians aren't there to make significant changes. They are there to maintain the status quo.
America is great, or the best just because they say it is. It's all they got. It's a basis from fools, and team loyalists. You have to be able to speak the truth to these things. As a Michigander, even i can admit the Detroit Lions normally suck big time, because of its faults. They use to be pretty great in the Sanders years, just like America was great in it's days. Selfishness, bigotry, and greed have made this country a joke of itself.

Yes but you’re biased. You’re from michigan and michigan sucks.
Dear America...
I don't speak as a Trump Supporter
I don't speak as a Hillary Supporter
I did not like Obama, Or Bush, Or Clinton...
I speak to you as a American citizen in pain of the complete chaos this country is toiling in... I speak to the citizens of America as a human...

I write only for you to consider this...

What makes America Great? I am asking a serious question and I dont intend to criticize anyone over this, I just want a honest to god response as to why... Liberals, conservatists, whites, blacks, asians, mexicans, everyone.... What makes us so righteous and great that we have the authority over nations and their fates? What makes America great? Is it that we are a super power? or that we have one of the best livelyhoods throughout the world? Is it because we are a free nation or is it because we have the luxury of being a consumer nation?

What makes any American, better than any mortal throughout the rest of this world? What makes us so entitled that we pass so much judgement and criticism to nations and populations or that we have the say to sanction nations that don't even belong to us. We do not pay their tax, we do not live in their territory... we live in a free nation bought for ourselves but why do we close borders and show nothing but resent to anything that isn't American.

There was a time when America was great this is true, but it's not the time everyone thinks of. People relate this time to fortune, wealth, prosperity, economic booms, and the growth of the nation into an epic super power ... you know what made America GREAT? Its the very same thing that brought America into power.. ...its when America opened its borders, when America cared about outsiders, when America helped nations rather than bombing them the instance they do something they dont want to hear OVER A THOUSAND MILES AWAY... Does this not sound like the very same treatment England provoked upon America during her birth? The treatment this nation sought freedom from and the very roots of its democracy were born here.

What makes Americans GREAT, is when we ignore our differences and accept the world for what it is... you cannot change people, but you can change your understanding. Instead of building fictionary imaginary walls defined by human conception, look at history and look at what happened to EVERY WALL that was ever built by man to divide people... NONE of them stand... and its because...we need each other, America cannot survive on its own. You are uprooting the very foundations of this country how can it survive without its roots?

This world you want, a GREAT AMERICA... is just a dream and thats all it will ever be... Look at everything that has come to past NOTHING functional has been produced but chaos and anger and arguments and disputes...You are building a self centered world, a world only you can live in and a world that is destined for failure..blindly.. AGONIZINGLY and painfully. This world is a self centered world all about ME... only AMERICA, only about ME... and what happens even if you succeed and there is nothing but America? Isolation... and then it won't be about will only be about ME and myself.. Trump, Hillary, Obama, NONE of them are the answer... the answer is US...It's the PEOPLE...who are the problem, not the political figures, not Trump, not Hillary, not Bush, not Obama...they are merely BI-PRODUCTS of the people of this nation... You fix the ROOTS...and you fix the problem.

God Bless this dieing nation...
I love America and her people...
I pray for all of us and pray that understanding reaches us before we ultimately cease the calamity we have been storing.

God bless you all.

there is no gods or monsters

Democracy makes us great

we need to get that back

The Republican party has cheated Americans out of their rights to vote for decades now


Isn't evince a resident of Ohio?
No Evince lives in the So Cal area. She’s by far the wealthiest member of JPP. Made a fortune in the 2008 financial crisis by selling shorts on the housing markets credit default swaps. She called the crises two years before it happened.

We had to strap Cawacko to a lamp post for a week to keep him from committing suicide. To this day we don’t know if it was cause she was right or because she made sooooooo much money. I mean it was sick. She made far more money in one week than you and I will in two life time. Soooo much money!

But she called. Said Bush wasn’t enforcing regulations on sub prime lenders and that home loan defaults were growing at a logrhytmic rate and the housing market would reach a tipping point in a couple of years.

The conservatives on here laughed at her and called her bat shit crazy and crazy cat lady.

But then she was right and made sooooo much of course Desh rubbed it in and now they hate her.
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No Evince lives in the So Cal area. She’s by far the wealthiest member of JPP. Made a fortune in the 2008 financial crisis by selling shorts on the housing markets credit default swaps. She called the crises two years before it happened.

We had to strap Cawacko to a lamp post for a week to keep him from committing suicide. To this day we don’t know if it was cause she was right or because she made sooooooo much money. I mean it was sick. She made far more money in one week than you and I will in two life time. Soooo much money!

But she called. Said Bush wasn’t enforcing regulations on sub prime lenders and that home loan defaults were growing at a logrhytmic rate and the housing market would reach a tipping point in a couple of years.

The conservatives on here laughed at her and called her bat shit crazy and crazy cat lady.

But then she was right and made sooooo much of course Desh rubbed it in and now they hate her.

:lolup: Damned funny bullshit there. Evince is as poor and as big a loser as you are dude. :rofl2: Thanks for the comedic relief though....priceless. :rofl2: