Dear Apple: Why Are You So Afraid Of Google, Android, And Samsung Group?

Maybe because samsung directly copied the iphone in 130 areas and that isn't even up for debate
That's why samsung lost^

Maybe because when you put in "bet the company money" on your R&D you don't like other companies swooping in and lifting your ideas.

I have never understood how look and feel can be copyrighted anyway. Apple tried that same stunt with Microsoft and lost. They have also lost in virtually every other country where they have sued Samsung.,_Inc._v._Microsoft_Corporation
define lost. I don't know about every country but I am pretty sure at least in south korea both sides had points taken against them
define lost. I don't know about every country but I am pretty sure at least in south korea both sides had points taken against them

Lost in that they didn't get awarded massive compensation as in the US. Anyway as this article says Nokia and Motorola could have done the same thing. Now word is out that a Droid is the same as an iPhone only cheaper. Might be time to sell Apple soon, I got in late but still managed to double my investment so can't complain.,2817,2409010,00.asp
I have never understood how look and feel can be copyrighted anyway.


Apple tried that same stunt with Microsoft and lost. They have also lost in virtually every other country where they have sued Samsung.

Well, for one thing, in the US the patent office is completely and totally funded through patent fees (which was a genius reform the Republicans implemented in the 90's). So, they tend to be a little more liberal in granting patents than patent offices in other countries.
Lost in that they didn't get awarded massive compensation as in the US. Anyway as this article says Nokia and Motorola could have done the same thing. Now word is out that a Droid is the same as an iPhone only cheaper. Might be time to sell Apple soon, I got in late but still managed to double my investment so can't complain.,2817,2409010,00.asp

If you have doubled your investment, I would not sell. Wait until Apple TV comes out. It is going to be a game changer. If you are worried about your investment declining there are a couple of strategies you could employ.

You could set a trailing stop loss of 10% or you could buy puts to hedge your bet
Apple even tried to say that Samsung copied the rectangular shape. What the fuck, was Samsung supposed to bring out a triangular phone?
Apple even tried to say that Samsung copied the rectangular shape. What the fuck, was Samsung supposed to bring out a triangular phone?

ok now you are full of shit. this is a classic bullshit argument. I don't have the patience right now. I'll be back later
regarding toms propgandha about the f700, here is an ANDROID community site COMPLETELY DEBUNKING IT AS FALSE:

This picture above says the F700 was shown at CeBit 2006, and then released in 2007, making Apple and the iPhone the one that copied them. This is completely false.

According to the picture the F700 was introduced in 2006, and Apple stole the design. I’m not going to get to deep on this, but the F700 was never seen until February of 2007 and our very own slashgear had it completely covered. This is AFTER Apple announced and showed the world the iPhone January 9th 2007 at MacWorld.
We can go even deeper here also. The photo above mentions that the Samsung F700 was “shown” at CeBit 2006, that is wrong it was 2007. [page links to proof]

tom if you paid any attention to this stuff you would have known this. the f700 bullshit has been debunked up and down and all over the place for a long time.