Dear Mods: Thank you for Helping to hide my love for Trump


Verified User
Thank you for helping me to remain a closeted Trump-lover, it has been difficult these past few weeks. While I still love imagining kneeling in front of the President to help him out of a tough jam, I couldn't have pretended differently without your support.
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Dear Katzguts,

You have violated (multiple times with multiple warnings) the TOS of JPP.

This is to advise you that you are being permanently banned from our forum.

Precious...thanks, Damocles.

Katzguts, you have been given a spanking by the owner of the server.

Please do better in the future.
Thank you for helping me to remain a closeted Trump-lover, it has been difficult these past few weeks. While I still love imagining kneeling in front of the President to help him out of a tough jam, I couldn't have pretended differently without your support.

Absolutely is a current event.

I guess they need to define what they mean by 'current event'.
Absolutely is a current event.

I guess they need to define what they mean by 'current event'.
I missed what the topic was, but current events are news articles about current political issues.

I think the owner of the forum has the absolute right to determine what a current event is.
I missed what the topic was, but current events are news articles about current political issues.

I think the owner of the forum has the absolute right to determine what a current event is.

I do not dispute the owner has that right, and he should be prepared to take criticism if he uses it in what I consider an unfair way.
There are times when a current event is addressed in an artistic, or sataristic way... Or even by discussing how it relates to something from the past.