Dear White People – Please Don’t Lose Your Minds

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
White people, don’t take it personally and don’t lose your minds, but the numbers are in and the numbers don’t lie.

For the first time in the history of the U.S. census, the non-Hispanic white population has fallen. With their numbers dropping from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020, white Americans are estimated to become a minority by 2045, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

While many white people will certainly be cool with these declining numbers, others may not welcome the opportunity to join the community of minorities. They will see this diminution of their percentage of the population as an existential threat.

The long-enforced social order that has afforded white people the lion’s share of the values available to the American community has been dependent upon the ability to visit violence upon anyone who challenged that order. Much like the lion’s ability to remain at the top of the food chain because of its sharp claws and teeth and aggressive nature, Because of its capacity for violence and aggressive nature, Western society has kept white people at the top of the socio-economic heap.

The shrinking of the white majority in America has agitated a certain portion of the population that sees a threat in the rising tide of black and brown people. They realize that if the demographic trends continue, they no longer can rely on their superiority in numbers to guarantee them advantages in life.

The rest of the country, and indeed, the rest of the world are watching tensely to see if that restive portion of America’s white population further loses its grip on reality and strikes out in fear with destructive consequences. But the global community will not tolerate a hateful America motivated by grievance politics and behaving like a schoolyard bully to maintain the status quo. Even if America is not able to prevent its own descent into authoritarianism, the community of nations will not stand for it.

Oscar H. Blayton is a former Marine Corps combat pilot and human rights activist who practices law in
White people, don’t take it personally and don’t lose your minds, but the numbers are in and the numbers don’t lie.

For the first time in the history of the U.S. census, the non-Hispanic white population has fallen. With their numbers dropping from 63.7% in 2010 to 57.8% in 2020, white Americans are estimated to become a minority by 2045, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

While many white people will certainly be cool with these declining numbers, others may not welcome the opportunity to join the community of minorities. They will see this diminution of their percentage of the population as an existential threat.

The long-enforced social order that has afforded white people the lion’s share of the values available to the American community has been dependent upon the ability to visit violence upon anyone who challenged that order. Much like the lion’s ability to remain at the top of the food chain because of its sharp claws and teeth and aggressive nature, Because of its capacity for violence and aggressive nature, Western society has kept white people at the top of the socio-economic heap.

The shrinking of the white majority in America has agitated a certain portion of the population that sees a threat in the rising tide of black and brown people. They realize that if the demographic trends continue, they no longer can rely on their superiority in numbers to guarantee them advantages in life.

The rest of the country, and indeed, the rest of the world are watching tensely to see if that restive portion of America’s white population further loses its grip on reality and strikes out in fear with destructive consequences. But the global community will not tolerate a hateful America motivated by grievance politics and behaving like a schoolyard bully to maintain the status quo. Even if America is not able to prevent its own descent into authoritarianism, the community of nations will not stand for it.

Oscar H. Blayton is a former Marine Corps combat pilot and human rights activist who practices law in

why would we loose our minds illegals and immigrants are taking all the jobs blacks would normal have you should be loosing your mind as your being replaced by non Americans in the work force. Its morons like you who will hurt the nation then blame itr on others just like Biden and pelosi so
Jewish American & African American percentages dropped too.

you have to understand his dumb black narrow ass isnt capable of processing fata and figures percentages and the cause and effect of anything . he thinks this is a good thing for him when its just the first steps in how the liberals will replace the black man as their minority cause and soon switch to illegals
you have to understand his dumb black narrow ass isnt capable of processing fata and figures percentages and the cause and effect of anything . he thinks this is a good thing for him when its just the first steps in how the liberals will replace the black man as their minority cause and soon switch to illegals

Blacks & Jews marry outsiders even more than White Christians.

Guno comes off as more Jewish to me.

Crying about the Holocaust, calling people Goyim.