Death Sentence On Obama?


Junior Member
Hussan Obama had a Muslim father and a Muslim step father and went to a Muslim school. He is now a Christian. Will the Muslims put out a death sentence on him for converting? It is standard Muslim law that death is imposed on anyone who converts from Islam to any other religion.

Would we offend Muslims by electing such a person?
I dont want to offend any rank and file Muslams... But the conservatives, the ones who would issue a death sentence to one who became christian, I am happy to offend.

The conservatives are bad no matter what religen they come from.
Actually Jarod, I think it would be more accurate to say exteremists of any flavor.
Personally I would hope that we get the best qualified candidate for president regardless of his parental or religious heritage.
You had no choice in your parents Toby, I had no choice about starting my life in a holy roller church...
Well put, uscitizen.

Hey Toby. You do realize that (A) Obama's biological father was not a Muslim and (B) he did not go to a "Muslim school" in Indonesia -- as some dumbshits have had it -- I trust?
I just completed two parts of a three part series of sermons on Islam where I preach.......just to dispel the myths of what is being said about Obama. Of course I am teaching that their beliefs, like the Mormon's, are based on the word of one man but overall I am teaching that they have the right to their beliefs just like we (Christians) have the right to ours. I am emphasizing the "extremist" part as well, showing how nuts like Pat Robertson are just as bad in their thinking (if not their actions) as the nuts who flew planes into tall buildings. It has been a very interesting study for me.
That is outragious Leaning. Obama father and step father were Muslim, he did go to a Muslim school. Those are facts. And to compare Robertson with people who commit murder is the most idiotic thing I have heard lately.
That is outragious Leaning. Obama father and step father were Muslim, he did go to a Muslim school. Those are facts. And to compare Robertson with people who commit murder is the most idiotic thing I have heard lately.

Look carefully at what I wrote toby.......

I am emphasizing the "extremist" part as well, showing how nuts like Pat Robertson are just as bad in their thinking (if not their actions) as the nuts who flew planes into tall buildings.

Read it carefully. Extremism in any religion/government is not a good thing whether left or right.
So Leaning, talking is just as bad as killing? Is that your honest opinion? That is exactly what you said.
So Leaning, talking is just as bad as killing? Is that your honest opinion? That is exactly what you said.

You got it wrong toby. I'm comparing their thinking not their actions....look closely at this part of the quote: "(if not their actions)"

When you compare thier vocalized thoughts, one is just as bad as the other. There is no comparison of their actions as the likes of Robertson haven't killed anyone that we know of.
In addition saying you wouldn't mind one person being dead to wishing anyone who isn't of your religion dead are a bit different as well.
In addition saying you wouldn't mind one person being dead to wishing anyone who isn't of your religion dead are a bit different as well.

yes toby, but Christianity, Judasim and Islam all have those kinds of warped nuts.
Not really US. Christians and Jews don't call for the destruction or subjection of everyone else like the Muslims do.
LOL, many do. I used to hear many fine upstanding "Christians" Say nuke em all and let god sort em out.
And the Jews and the Hamas....