America falls to pieces right before our eyes! Glory glory hallejulah! How the angels gloat in heaven at the death of the evil American empire! How Jesus smiles with the death of each wretched American fascist! God is purging the evil American empire from the face of the Earth! Thanks be to Trump fro destroying America! DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO AMERICANS! DEATH TO ISRAEL! DEATH TO ISRAELIS! God damn America! Thank God Americans are dying en masse! May many more die before this is over! Praise Xi Jinping fore his fight against fascism and the disease of nationalism that America represents, thank the plague COVID God sent to the Earth to purge the evil of nationalism from the face of the Earth! Praise COVID! Praise Xi Jinping! Praise Trump! DEATH TO AMERICA! You're time is up! The time of imperialism, fascism, nationalism, and anti-migration poison, is up! Death to American! God damn America! Death to Israel! Death to nationalism!

America falls to pieces right before our eyes! Glory glory hallejulah! How the angels gloat in heaven at the death of the evil American empire! How Jesus smiles with the death of each wretched American fascist! God is purging the evil American empire from the face of the Earth! Thanks be to Trump fro destroying America! DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO AMERICANS! DEATH TO ISRAEL! DEATH TO ISRAELIS! God damn America! Thank God Americans are dying en masse! May many more die before this is over! Praise Xi Jinping fore his fight against fascism and the disease of nationalism that America represents, thank the plague COVID God sent to the Earth to purge the evil of nationalism from the face of the Earth! Praise COVID! Praise Xi Jinping! Praise Trump! DEATH TO AMERICA! You're time is up! The time of imperialism, fascism, nationalism, and anti-migration poison, is up! Death to American! God damn America! Death to Israel! Death to nationalism!


Large words nobody understood.

(Must post a few words to really post)

This one supposedly been posted:

Large words nobody understood.