Death to America

“Russia has joined about 100 countries in backing a resolution at the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA), calling for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic.
The European Union-drafted resolution comes on the back of a push by Australia for an inquiry into China's initial handling of the crisis.“

China is responsible for the virus that China failed to contain and the deaths and economic loss around the world.
“Russia has joined about 100 countries in backing a resolution at the upcoming World Health Assembly (WHA), calling for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus pandemic.
The European Union-drafted resolution comes on the back of a push by Australia for an inquiry into China's initial handling of the crisis.“

China is responsible for the virus that China failed to contain and the deaths and economic loss around the world.

China did contain the virus , it was competent unlike western governments.
Praise the heroic freedom fighters Breivik and Tarrant they are examples to be emulated by all freedom loving people. Islam is the eternal enemy and all Muslims need to be slaughtered.

Kill all Christians

Christians are murderers

Praise covid for killing Christians

Praise Trump for killing the west

DEATH TO the west

DEATH TO Westerners
Praise Trump for killing Americans!

Folks,.... this is what comes from living the life of an Incel . A certain derangement takes hold,...causes you to strike out and hate those around you that are leading happier more productive lives. Sad really,.... to be as pitiful as a poster like that. Between he and guno Im not sure which one is the most demented. Right now i still think guno is leading the field but this pathetic soul is catching up fast.
Folks,.... this is what comes from living a life of an Incel . A certain derangement takes hold,...causes you to strike out and hate those around you that are leading happier more productive lives. Sad really,.... to be as pitiful as a poster like that. Between he and guno Im not sure which one is the most demented. Right now i still think guno is leading the field but this pathetic soul is catching up fast.

Hope you get it and die soon