Death Tolls


Worst gambler ever
Terrorism seems to be working. Everyone is so absorbed by the terrorists, that they don't even have to be that relatively destructive for us to start wars on the other side of the planet.

They've made us fearful and unrealistic. They've killed about 3,000 Americans, but we rank the threat higher than anything else.

Look at some of the death tolls from other events, and those including terrorism:

Now don't get me wrong, we should fight terrorism, but it is not the threat that many want us to believe it is. The "Islamo""""fascists""" are not going to take over the world, and with their backwards ways, they will never have the means to.

When you start giving me reasons to fear for my life, to give up some of my rights, to endure a changed way of life to protect against this threat, as if it is akin to WWII, then you'd better have some shit to back it up.

The powerbrokers need to keep this threat alive and well to scare the sheep into soing what they want. Notice how we haven't heard of orange alerts and such since 11/04, and now the congressional elections approach, and here's a woman going nuts from clausterphobial on a plane, and a couple of guys with 1,000 cell phones?

Its not a coincidence.
I agree entirely. Terrorism has become the new bogeyman, like the Soviet Union was during the so-called Cold War. It's far too useful for the politicians, since they can used that inflated threat to drive the people almost any which way they want.
Really. If death tolls were used to account for the danger level of a threat, terrorism would be low down on that pole....

We'd be fighting a "war on cars"...
If we go by death tolls we would be busy building big dikes for tidal waves and hurricanes.
But then the military industrial complex would not get the money now would they ?

I don't know if you visited the other board recently, but this whole lebanon thing kicked off round after round of "This is World War Three!!!" crap...on both the board and on Fox News.

I've never seen such diaper-shitting, bed-wetting, and hand-wringing. I grew up during the Cold War, when thousands of nukes were pointed at our heads, and I never ever saw such whining and crying.

I fear, we've raised a generation of Momma's boys, with this Generation Y.
LOL. I've always gotten tired of the World War people... They termed the Cold War as a World War? Come on...


Everybody wants to have what the Greatest Generation had, but they want it without the sacrifice they gave for us.
Everybody wants to have what the Greatest Generation had, but they want it without the sacrifice they gave for us.

But are the problems from within or from outside ?
Everybody wants to have what the Greatest Generation had, but they want it without the sacrifice they gave for us.

But are the problems from within or from outside ?
Doesn't matter, winning another World War gives them status they otherwise would not have. Since WWII there has been no World War... Regardless of this desperate grab at greatness.
LOL. I've always gotten tired of the World War people... They termed the Cold War as a World War? Come on...


Everybody wants to have what the Greatest Generation had, but they want it without the sacrifice they gave for us.
LOL! True, dat.

You know what cracks me up? The way people's (laudible) ability to see the good in everything can so often blind them to the bad. Including my own, come to that.

People talk about "The Greatest Generation" with such reverence that it sometimes makes me want to gag on the sacharine. They'll eagerly point out that people -- especially Americans or Englishmen or Frenchmen, depending on who's producing the documentary -- will unfailingly rise to the occasion. How bad times bring out the best in people and how we'll always find brilliant, selfless leaders just when we need them the most.

All of this is quite true. It's a testament to our adaptability and tenacity as a species. There's a rather obvious problem with romanticising these times that test us, like the Great Depression and WWII.

Why did we produce such great leaders -- which we did -- and why did people really pull together? Because the times were really, really bad. You wouldn't want to live then. Not if you're halfway sane. That's something my dad and grandparents taught me early and kept reinforcing over and over.
I don't know if you visited the other board recently, but this whole lebanon thing kicked off round after round of "This is World War Three!!!" crap...on both the board and on Fox News.

I've never seen such diaper-shitting, bed-wetting, and hand-wringing. I grew up during the Cold War, when thousands of nukes were pointed at our heads, and I never ever saw such whining and crying.

I fear, we've raised a generation of Momma's boys, with this Generation Y.

Cypress , you remember the study that says whiney kids grow up to be republicans don't ya ? Just further proof.
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