Deather nutbag's bizzaro rants

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The decision not to release photographs of Osama bin Laden's corpse and the way the White House has changed its account of how he died has prompted an avalanche of conspiracy theories about his death. Perhaps unsurprisingly, these theories have proliferated across the web. Here are just a few.

• Bin Laden was a US agent, and was killed to stop this becoming public knowledge. "The west has been very pleased with Bin Laden's operations in recent years," said Javad Jahangirzadeh, a member of the Iranian security and foreign policy committee. "Now the west was forced to kill him in order to prevent a possible leak of information he had, information more precious than gold."

Source: Javad Jahangirzadeh

• His body had been frozen for several years, claimed US talk show host Alex Jones, and was kept on ice by American officials for use as a potential propaganda tool. Jones said he was told by an unnamed White House official in 2002 that Bin Laden was "frozen – literally frozen – and that he would be rolled out in the future at some date".

Source: The Alex Jones Show

• The US pretended he was killed in Pakistan as a pretext to invade the country. "Bin Laden has been killed somewhere else," one former military source allegedly told Ausaf, the Urdu daily. "But since the US intends to extend the Afghan war into Pakistan, and accuse Pakistan, and obtain a permit for its military's entry into the country, it has devised the [assassination] scenario."

Source: Ausaf

Al-Qaida's number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri, led the US to Bin Laden in order to place the terrorist group under Egyptian cotrol. "Egyptians have wanted to control the organisation since its inception," an unnamed source allegedly told Saudi newspaper al-Watan, "but found their best chance after Bin Laden became ill in mid-2004". It was Zawahiri and the leadership group, the source added, who then convinced Bin Laden to move to Abbottabad.

• Bin Laden knew where al-Qaida's secret nuclear bomb was kept, and was killed to prevent him from leaking its location. Barack Obama,rightwing commentator Glenn Beck argued, wants to keep its whereabouts out of public knowledge.

Source: The Glenn Beck Show

• The royal couple delayed their honeymoon to avoid a clash with the assassination. "Clearly," Professor Anthony Glees told a British tabloid, "wherever they would be going, they would be outside the ring of steel that the authorities could provide for them in the UK."

Source: Professor Anthony Glees, University of Buckingham

• Bin Laden died of natural causes in 2001. His list of ailments included: a lung condition, hepatitis C, diabetes, low blood pressure and a wound to the foot


• Barack Obama invented Bin Laden's death to boost his re-election campaign ahead of next year's election

Source: Fox News presenter Andrew Napolitano, via Media Matters for America

• Bin Laden is alive and being held in a secret location while the US interrogates him about al-Qaida's nuclear arsenal. "Is it possible that Osama bin Laden has been ghosted out of his compound, and we're seeing a show at this point?" asked the rightwing commentator Glenn Beck.

Source: The Glenn Beck Show

• Barack Obama timed the announcement so news of Bin Laden's death would nudge Donald Trump's Celebrity Apprentice off the air to punish the entrepreneur for his impudent birth certificate questions

Source:Live Science

• The deaths of Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler were both announced on 1 May, suggesting they were sacrificed by the Illuminati to mark the secret order's second holiest holiday.

Source:Mystery of the Iniquity
You left off one...

The star of crazy leftist liberal's everywhere, Cindy Sheehan....

I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid. Just think to yourself--they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead--why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent--just put your flags away and THINK!

It's also easier just to swallow the lies of the Empire like Monica Lewinsky swallowed Clinton's sperm. It works for me.

You left off one...

The star of crazy leftist liberal's everywhere, Cindy Sheehan....

I am sorry, but if you believe the newest death of OBL, you're stupid. Just think to yourself--they paraded Saddam's dead sons around to prove they were dead--why do you suppose they hastily buried this version of OBL at sea? This lying, murderous Empire can only exist with your brainwashed consent--just put your flags away and THINK!

It's also easier just to swallow the lies of the Empire like Monica Lewinsky swallowed Clinton's sperm. It works for me.


So, Webtard, are you saying that OBL is alive?

Yes, or no?
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810786 said:
So, Webtard, are you saying that OBL is alive?

Yes, or no?

You are an idiot. Bin Laden has been dead for almost a decade. Alex Jones didn't make up the frozen Bin Laden story. Steve Pieczenik is the source of the story. Madeline Albright also pushed the story before the 04 election claiming Bush would pull bin laden off ice to do exactly what Obama has done, make political use of the corpse.

You can trust Obama and his gang of inept propagandists. LOL you have to be an idiot to believe their changing stories.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810688 said:
Will this announcement stop some of the Deather claims that OBL is still alive?
"Qaeda released a statement on jihadist forums Friday confirming the death of its leader, Osama bin Laden, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamist websites."

I think, and predict, that it will increase the conspiracy theorists who believe that Al Qaeda continues to be under the direction of the CIA. I think this will happen because it seems that just when Obama was getting pressure to open up photos and video, they suddenly agree and announce the death they were previously denying.

(And no, Root Beer, no I'm not saying I believe that, I am simply predicting that this will give those theorists more "meat" to cook on that grill.)
You are an idiot. Bin Laden has been dead for almost a decade. Alex Jones didn't make up the frozen Bin Laden story. Steve Pieczenik is the source of the story. Madeline Albright also pushed the story before the 04 election claiming Bush would pull bin laden off ice to do exactly what Obama has done, make political use of the corpse.

You can trust Obama and his gang of inept propagandists. LOL you have to be an idiot to believe their changing stories.

So, Tintard, are you saying that OBL is alive?

Yes, or no?
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;810931 said:
So, Tintard, are you saying that OBL is alive?

Yes, or no?

how can someone be as stupid as you are? Read the post you quoted. Osama has been dead for years. He wasn't alive when Obama supposedly gave the orders to get him. I feel sorry for you that this is all too much to handle. Cognitive dissonance is hard to overcome, but maybe someday you be old enough to understand the world you're fed is propaganda to keep you stupid and uninformed about the deeds of the ruling elite and the many insider deals they create for themselves and their cohorts. Someday you be wise enough to see it yourself.
how can someone be as stupid as you are? Read the post you quoted. Osama has been dead for years. He wasn't alive when Obama supposedly gave the orders to get him. I feel sorry for you that this is all too much to handle. Cognitive dissonance is hard to overcome, but maybe someday you be old enough to understand the world you're fed is propaganda to keep you stupid and uninformed about the deeds of the ruling elite and the many insider deals they create for themselves and their cohorts. Someday you be wise enough to see it yourself.

You are saying that OBL has been dead for years?
your brain has been dead for years

What do you do with your time when you're not stalking me and posting ad homs?

Well, scratch that, it seems that takes up most of your time, freak.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811122 said:
What do you do with your time when you're not stalking me and posting ad homs?

Well, scratch that, it seems that takes up most of your time, freak.


you stalk my posts all over the internet, create at least TWO "Yurt" trolls on political boards i had not joined and copied my posts from here and USMB and posted them there in an attempt to try to pass yourself off as me.....and you feel you can talk about stalking.....


you stalk my posts all over the internet, create at least TWO "Yurt" trolls on political boards i had not joined and copied my posts from here and USMB and posted them there in an attempt to try to pass yourself off as me.....and you feel you can talk about stalking.....


How many other people have you accused of the same thing this week, freak?

The fact is - as everyone can see from your obsession with irrelevantly replying to my threads - you are a pathetic loser with no life outside the web, and nothing but hate in your heart.
¯¯¯̿̿¯̿̿’̿̿̿̿̿̿̿’̿̿’̿̿;811148 said:
How many other people have you accused of the same thing this week, freak?

The fact is - as everyone can see from your obsession with irrelevantly replying to my threads - you are a pathetic loser with no life outside the web, and nothing but hate in your heart.

at least you didn't deny your stalking....oh....and the answer to your question = zero

Will this announcement stop some of the Deather claims that OBL is still alive?
"Qaeda released a statement on jihadist forums Friday confirming the death of its leader, Osama bin Laden, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamist websites."

When Pentagon needs Mid-east war, Al Qaida came to help. That's 911. When US government needs help for the prove of Bin Laden's death, Al Qaida came out to help again. How could Al Qaida be so sure at a case US government itself can't explain? Did Al Qaida joint the operation or they had the DNA test result? Or rather, they follow the order of their master to be a witness?

Al Qaida work for the US.

Al Qadia even knew "operation Geronemo" in advance.

"You can learn it from the following news.

Al-Qaeda Threatens to Unleash ‘Nuclear Hellstorm’ if bin Laden Caught

Posted by Ingrid Turner on Apr 25, 2011

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (NEWSTABULOUS) – According to news reported by WikiLeaks, threats have been received from al-Qaeda terrorists, stating that they will “unleash a nuclear hellstorm” upon Western countries if Osama bin Laden is ever caught or killed.

WikiLeaks: Al-Qaida Has Nuclear Weapons
Author: ICWN | Monday, April 25th, 2011

The militant group al-Qaeda claims to have nuclear weapons and did not hesitate to use them if their leader, Osama bin Laden captured or killed by the United States. Not yet known exactly where al-Qaeda’s nuclear weapons are stored, but are found in Europe.

Five days before May 1st, Wikileaks and Al Qaida knew of “Bin Laden’s death” would have happened and announced a warning. The news is a clumsy product of the “disinformation office” of the Feds. It means:

1. Al Qaida have nuclear weapon. They haven’t used it because Bin Laden hadn’t been caught or killed.

2. Wikileaks and Al Qaida knew Bin Laden would be killed several days later so issued a warning.

3.That news can be used to justify the coming “nuke bomb attack”. (or dirty bomb attack)
It proves this was a planned conspiracy. Wikileaks and Al Qaida are all work for the US intelligence. I have already talked about it in “655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)”.

White House “Situation Room” Photo locked all Obama administration members into that plot. They are bound to a “false flag terror attack” war tank now by the Feds and will be ridden to “nuclear bombing attack” field and “Iran war” hill. That “terror attack” will happen soon.
Quote, " How Many US SEALs Died? (Apparently, Plenty)
China's Ominous Warning To The US Not To Attack Pakistan
Paul Craig Roberts

In a sensational and explosive TV report, the Pakistani News Agency has provided a live interview with an eye witness to the US attack on the alleged compound of Osama bin Laden. The eye witness, Mohammad Bashir, describes the event as it unfolded. Of the three helicopters, "there was only one that landed the men and came back to pick them up, but as he [the helicopter] was picking them up, it (caught fire and blew up)." The witness says that there were no survivors, just dead bodies and pieces of bodies everywhere. "We saw the helicopter burning, we saw the dead bodies, then everything was removed and now there is nothing."

I always wondered how a helicopter could crash, as the White House reported, without at least producing injuries. Yet, in the original White House story, the SEALs not only survived a 40-minute firefight with al Qaeda, "the most highly trained, most dangerous, most vicious killers on the planet," without a scratch, but also survived a helicopter crash without a scratch.

The mainstream media and a significant portion of the Internet are content for our perceptions to be managed by psy-ops and by non-reporting. This is why I wrote not long ago that today Americans are living in George Orwell's 1984.