Debate between a Communist & an anti-Communist over Gun Control


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Communist: Why do you need a thirty-round magazine to hunt a deer?
Anti-Communist: I don't. I need it to defend myself against a tyrannical government.

Communist: So you own guns because you fantasize about fighting against the government?
Anti-Communist: Do you own a fire extinguisher because you fantasize about house fires?

Communist: Do you really think you can defeat the world' most powerful Army with an AR-15?
Anti-Communist: Yes. If the Vietnamese and Afghans did it with AK-47s, Americans can do it with AR-15s.

Communist: AR-15s are useless because, as Congressman Eric Swalwell noted, "the government has nukes."
Anti Communist: If you really think thee American government is capable of dropping nukes on its own cities,
that's all the more reason for us to be armed against it.

In case you were wondering who the Communist is and who the Anti-Communist is in this post, the Communist
is any and every democrat who is hell bent on taking our guns away from us. And of course the Anti-Communist
is a person that you're well aware of, and that would be Mr. Libhater.

Mentally ill with fantasies of grandeur
Why would a govt want to take away guns from law abiding citizens or some it hard for law abiding citizens to obtain a gun. It must be tough for you people to pretend you care about school shootings when in fact nothing makes you happier.