APP - Debate Topic


As the debate topics in the vaunted JPP Debate Challenge are juvenile and non thought provoking, I thought I would take it upon myself to start a debate topic of immense importance.

The question is should welfare recipients have to pay back the money they get while on welfare?

I say yes and here is why. If the program is supposed to be a hand up and not a hand out, wouldn't making it a loan assure that people don't become dependent? Wouldn't it reduce if not eliminate the inherent fraud that comes with said programs? Wouldn't it assure that people only used it in times of great need and not a crutch?

The problem with that is that it would do the exact opposite of what you propose.

If it were a loan, people would stay on it because any job that didn't pay a lot would be taking a step backwards. They might be earning a bit more than welfare, but when you add in the repayment of the loan, they would actually bring in less.

We would be better off requiring some sort of job training participation or being available for work for the gov't.
The problem with that is that it would do the exact opposite of what you propose.

If it were a loan, people would stay on it because any job that didn't pay a lot would be taking a step backwards. They might be earning a bit more than welfare, but when you add in the repayment of the loan, they would actually bring in less.

We would be better off requiring some sort of job training participation or being available for work for the gov't.

Fair enough, but we have the same problem today where people actually make more money to stay on welfare than to work. We already have have some job training requirements. We have more gobblement funded job training programs and they are boon doggles.