Debating Dixie

As many know, I took some time away from this place, and have only recently returned to post regularly. Unfortunately, it seems nothing much has changed, and I still see the same illogical pinheads posting the same illogical shit over and over again daily, as if they are making some kind of difference in the world.

In the few actual "debates" I've been in, there is a distinct pattern emerging, it seems that it doesn't matter what I post, or how I phrase it, the pinheads are simply going to read it as they want to hear it. It is frustrating to spend hours debating something, and have some idiot run in to interject some complete misrepresentation of something I've not even said, as if I have said it and they are there to refute it. Then some other pinhead idiot comes along and concurs with the first idiot about what I didn't say! It's mind boggling to me, I can't understand why there is such a dysfunction in comprehension of what I post.

It's almost as if, no matter what I post, the pinheads are going to twist it into something they can bash and claim victory, but why? What fundamental purpose does it serve to lie about someone's position in order to set yourself up as some 'moral' victor? Is life just that pathetic in your world?

I have been in a few deeply philosophical debates with people who do have a brain and can think independently, but it seems I continue to get involved in a debate, only to find the person debating me is taking my viewpoint completely out of context, and attributing things to me, that I haven't stated. At the same time, they seem to be assuming my actual position on whatever is the topic, in a Clinton-like 'triangulation' attempt. It's stunning to watch, but what is even more fascinating is how some other pinhead always comes along and agrees with the first pinhead, that I am wrong and the first pinhead is right.

Anything I have debated, which has anything remotely to do with human spirituality, is automatically interpreted as being about "God" and belief in a "GOD" as well as complete and total support for the Christian religion. I honestly answer the questions, and then my words are turned inside out, and you would think I had come here to preach The Gospel. You aren't arguing with Brent here, I have my own mind, and my own personal beliefs, just as you do. My arguments are NEVER based on my personal spiritual beliefs, of which you know nothing about.

I can appreciate humor and wit as much as the next guy, and I understand we have some immature people who post here regularly, and silliness is to be expected from them. But I honestly can't stick around here daily for this persistent stupidity and lack of comprehension, in a dishonest attempt to frame me as what you perceive me to be. Those of you who wish to engage me on an intellectual level, bring your textbooks and come on, those of you who want to act like silly little middle school bitches, can go fuck yourselves, you're going on the ignore list from this point forward.
As many know, I took some time away from this place, and have only recently returned to post regularly. Unfortunately, it seems nothing much has changed, and I still see the same illogical pinheads posting the same illogical shit over and over again daily, as if they are making some kind of difference in the world.

In the few actual "debates" I've been in, there is a distinct pattern emerging, it seems that it doesn't matter what I post, or how I phrase it, the pinheads are simply going to read it as they want to hear it. It is frustrating to spend hours debating something, and have some idiot run in to interject some complete misrepresentation of something I've not even said, as if I have said it and they are there to refute it. Then some other pinhead idiot comes along and concurs with the first idiot about what I didn't say! It's mind boggling to me, I can't understand why there is such a dysfunction in comprehension of what I post.

It's almost as if, no matter what I post, the pinheads are going to twist it into something they can bash and claim victory, but why? What fundamental purpose does it serve to lie about someone's position in order to set yourself up as some 'moral' victor? Is life just that pathetic in your world?

I have been in a few deeply philosophical debates with people who do have a brain and can think independently, but it seems I continue to get involved in a debate, only to find the person debating me is taking my viewpoint completely out of context, and attributing things to me, that I haven't stated. At the same time, they seem to be assuming my actual position on whatever is the topic, in a Clinton-like 'triangulation' attempt. It's stunning to watch, but what is even more fascinating is how some other pinhead always comes along and agrees with the first pinhead, that I am wrong and the first pinhead is right.

Anything I have debated, which has anything remotely to do with human spirituality, is automatically interpreted as being about "God" and belief in a "GOD" as well as complete and total support for the Christian religion. I honestly answer the questions, and then my words are turned inside out, and you would think I had come here to preach The Gospel. You aren't arguing with Brent here, I have my own mind, and my own personal beliefs, just as you do. My arguments are NEVER based on my personal spiritual beliefs, of which you know nothing about.

I can appreciate humor and wit as much as the next guy, and I understand we have some immature people who post here regularly, and silliness is to be expected from them. But I honestly can't stick around here daily for this persistent stupidity and lack of comprehension, in a dishonest attempt to frame me as what you perceive me to be. Those of you who wish to engage me on an intellectual level, bring your textbooks and come on, those of you who want to act like silly little middle school bitches, can go fuck yourselves, you're going on the ignore list from this point forward.

I would love it if I could just destroy your idiotic comments for everyone else to read, while you remain ignorant of my incisive rebuttals. Put me on ignore.
Dixie, this is perhaps your funniest post since the Bush blue jeans one.

It applies to you as well as it does to those you target.
Every time Dixie backs himself into a corner solely by his own words, and then gets called out on it, he goes on one of these long winded diatribes.
Every time Dixie backs himself into a corner solely by his own words, and then gets called out on it, he goes on one of these long winded diatribes.

Since I tend to choose my words very carefully, it isn't often I back myself in a corner with them. Most of the time, my words are taken completely out of context or interpreted in ways they were never intended to be used. This may give the perception of me being backed in the corner by my own words, but it is most likely I am being backed in a corner by someone elses words, or a complete misrepresentation of my original words. I don't mind when the occasional dullard idiot does this, that is to be expected from dullard idiots, but when it happens almost every time, with people who I know are capable of comprehending what I've said, it gets a little annoying and frustrating.

I can say, "The sky is blue." And some idiot will come along and claim I said, "God made the sky blue because he likes the color!" and then his buddies come along and say, "Well of course Dixie would think God made the sky blue because he likes the color, he is a religious extremist." Then, for weeks on end, in every thread I post to, I am bombarded with idiots who want to taunt me with my "non-words" and make fun of what I didn't say. It's almost like there is a concerted effort to pin to me, the most outrageous things you can twist my words into.... One can't be divided by 3 without a remainder... Oh, Dixie doesn't believe 1/3 exists! See how that worked? One statement is true, and what I said, the other is outrageous and stupid, and I never said. Yet, to this day, we have posters who want to bring up 1/3, as if I said something stupid and outrageous.

You know, they make a computer program that jumbles your words and twists what you type in, to form completely incoherent statements. If that was what I was seeking, I would just download the program and have it do what the posters here seem to enjoy doing. I like to have a good reasonable conversation about things, with people who are on the same planet as myself, and can be rational and reasonable in debate. I don't mind being proven wrong, in fact, I learn a great deal that way, but to take something I am right about, and twist it into something that can be easily interpreted as wrong, that is just plain outright dishonesty. It seems to happen with virtually anything I post.

I don't mind morons like AssClown, saying I am the "dumbest poster on the board" because they are mentally challenged, and this sort of behavior is common to them, and I understand this. I have a wall full of diplomas and degrees, and a wealth of knowledge on multiple subjects, as well as a fairly strong opinion on most things. My academic credentials are right up there with anyone who posts here, and so it doesn't bother me to have idiots call them into question, this is to be expected of idiots. It just seems this place is devolving into a board full of idiots, who can't debate anything, and can't discuss anything with ration or reason. All that seems important to them, is twisting the truth into lies and attempting to tear down someone's credibility.
Since I tend to choose my words very carefully, it isn't often I back myself in a corner with them.
Except with nearly every post.
Most of the time, my words are taken completely out of context or interpreted in ways they were never intended to be used.
No they aren't. Your words are taken at face value, then when you start to lose you start trying to change their meaning so you don't looks so stupid.

.... ad infinitum. consider the rest refuted in like manner...
"Since I tend to choose my words very carefully, it isn't often I back myself in a corner with them."

That's completely untrue. You've backed yourself into a corner with exaggerations & outright lies for ages. It's what you do; it's all that you do.

What you wrote above is a lie in itself, just like when you wrote "I'll admit it when I'm proven wrong" the other day. See, it's one thing to SAY something like that, and quite another to have tomes upon tomes of writings on a message board that contradict what you are saying.

You're cornering yourself right now, as we speak. If someone wants to (and hey, have at it), they could put some time in and look up at least a dozen posts that completely fly in the face of what you are saying.

You don't see yourself with clarity. You are delusional.
This is so funny. Dixie is wearing a massive pearl necklace, courtesy of nearly every half wit who can string a sentence together on up.
Oncie, I know it seems that way to you, but you are a retarded person who doesn't understand or comprehend words in the dictionary. When I use the English words as Webster intended them to be used, you interpret your own definitions to them, so what you read is nothing remotely close to what I post. It's a wonder you can make any sense at all out of my posts, given this inability you have to comprehend the language. It never fails, when I point these misinterpretations out to you, the 'argument' always turns into what you think I "inferred" with what I said. If you actually understood the proper usage of the words, and realized that I certainly understand these usages, we may be able to get somewhere, but you are not only retarded, but stubborn as well.

You are one of my favorite retarded people here, actually. From the old days when you were my little pet Lummox, and it made you change your name to Oncie... I've always had a fondness for you, it's amusing to see what you will completely miss the boat on next. And I think AssClown is jealous of you! He knows you are one of my favorites, and it drives him nuts. AssClown is boring though, he lacks any imagination at all... always the same stupid mantra about noahides and jews taking over the world... his idea of a legitimate counter-argument in debate is... "no, it's not!" You will at least attempt to butcher the language and amuse me with your gross misconceptions.

But this thread is directed at the more intellectual posters here, no offense. People like Beefhead, who used to be a fairly good conversationalist, and could make a pretty compelling argument for his case... he's just gotten lazy and stale. Arnold used to debate pretty good, but he doesn't seem to log in but once a month now, so there isn't much we can discuss like that... A few others will present a pretty good argument, and I enjoy our conversations, but these seem to be increasingly rare around here, it's turned into mostly a zoo full of retards like you and Wiseguy, who couldn't think your way out of a wet paper sack. All you seem to know how to do is hurl insults at me and lie about things you think I've said in the past.

...Ahhh... what's this? A package has arrived.... it seems to be AssClown's ass on a platter! Oh my! AssClown... are you missing your ass? Apparently, I now own it! You can have it back, I don't really have a need for a well-fisted AssClown ass.
.......Ahhh... what's this? A package has arrived.... it seems to be AssClown's ass on a platter! Oh my! AssClown... are you missing your ass? Apparently, I now own it! You can have it back, I don't really have a need for a well-fisted AssClown ass.
You mean like when you said that Bush had been responsible for the results of a clean air study because of the "Clear Skies Act" (which, btw, never passed?)

You mean like when you were about a thousand or so miles off on the size of the green zone in Iraq?

You mean like when you accuse lefties of making all kinds of wild claims prior to the Iraq War, and - when pressed for evidence of your accusations - all you can come up with is "transcripts of stump speeches I have seen?"

You're a delusional, lying fuck, Dixie. See, the thing is, when you're delusional, you don't KNOW you're delusional. But trust me - you are, and have been, and always will be. How you make it through life, I will never know, but you're a psychological mess.
You mean like when you said that Bush had been responsible for the results of a clean air study because of the "Clear Skies Act" (which, btw, never passed?)

You mean like when you were about a thousand or so miles off on the size of the green zone in Iraq?

You mean like when you accuse lefties of making all kinds of wild claims prior to the Iraq War, and - when pressed for evidence of your accusations - all you can come up with is "transcripts of stump speeches I have seen?"

You're a delusional, lying fuck, Dixie. See, the thing is, when you're delusional, you don't KNOW you're delusional. But trust me - you are, and have been, and always will be. How you make it through life, I will never know, but you're a psychological mess.

Yeah, that's what I mean, all those times where you completely misconstrued something I posted because you don't understand the English language. I don't lie, I've never lied here, I have no reason to lie. You wish to paint me as a liar because you think it lends credibility to your own pack of lies and falsehoods. Often, you will accuse me of lying because you want me to have taken some position that I never took or say something I never said, but you can't ever seem to back that up with anything but snippets of posts taken completely out of context. It's not really complete stupidity, as it does take some skill to manipulate words to that degree, but it is like an autism... a special ability your affliction enables you to have, where you can translate seemingly normal remarks into extremist rhetoric by careful parsing. It's fascinating to watch, but I really feel sorry for you, that you have to go through life like this.
I can say, "The sky is blue." And some idiot will come along and claim I said, "God made the sky blue because he likes the color!" and then his buddies come along and say, "Well of course Dixie would think God made the sky blue because he likes the color, he is a religious extremist." Then, for weeks on end, in every thread I post to, I am bombarded with idiots who want to taunt me with my "non-words" and make fun of what I didn't say. It's almost like there is a concerted effort to pin to me, the most outrageous things you can twist my words into....

Okay, genuinely funny piece of writing.

One can't be divided by 3 without a remainder... Oh, Dixie doesn't believe 1/3 exists! See how that worked? One statement is true, and what I said, the other is outrageous and stupid, and I never said. Yet, to this day, we have posters who want to bring up 1/3, as if I said something stupid and outrageous.

This is not anywhere near how that argument went down, but anyhow, lets not awaken that one again.

You know, they make a computer program that jumbles your words and twists what you type in, to form completely incoherent statements. If that was what I was seeking, I would just download the program and have it do what the posters here seem to enjoy doing. I like to have a good reasonable conversation about things, with people who are on the same planet as myself, and can be rational and reasonable in debate. I don't mind being proven wrong, in fact, I learn a great deal that way, but to take something I am right about, and twist it into something that can be easily interpreted as wrong, that is just plain outright dishonesty. It seems to happen with virtually anything I post.

I don't mind morons like AssClown, saying I am the "dumbest poster on the board" because they are mentally challenged, and this sort of behavior is common to them, and I understand this. I have a wall full of diplomas and degrees, and a wealth of knowledge on multiple subjects, as well as a fairly strong opinion on most things. My academic credentials are right up there with anyone who posts here, and so it doesn't bother me to have idiots call them into question, this is to be expected of idiots. It just seems this place is devolving into a board full of idiots, who can't debate anything, and can't discuss anything with ration or reason. All that seems important to them, is twisting the truth into lies and attempting to tear down someone's credibility.

It gets tiring trying to convince an idealogue that he is wrong, especially when he won't let the facts persuade him.

But this thread is directed at the more intellectual posters here, no offense. People like Beefhead, who used to be a fairly good conversationalist, and could make a pretty compelling argument for his case... he's just gotten lazy and stale.

Unfortunately, I have to admit guilt on this one. I've become a pickle thrower from the sidelines. If I were in the peanut gallery, it would be a step up.