Debt Question


Probably in about 2009, we will hit the symbolic mark of $10 trillion in debt, do you think that extra zero will jolt people into realizing just how bad we need to cut spending?
Cut spending and raise taxes on the rich. Worked for Clinton.

Actually it didn't.
In the first 2 years of Clinton where the Democrats had the presidency, house and senate and passed tax increases, the debt went up by
$628,129,254,491.66 ($4,692,749,910,013.32 at end of 1994 minus 4,064,620,655,521.66 at end of 1992) or $314,064,627,245.83 per year.

In the next 6 years of Clinton's terms, Republicans controlled the house and senate and the debt went up by $981,428,299,873.54 ($5,674,178,209,886.86 at end of 2000 minus 4,692,749,910,013.32 at end of 1994) or
$163,571,383,312.26 per year
We know this was because they cut welfare, government and subsidies.

So, again when the Republicans controlled the house and senate in the 90's, the debt went up by only $163,571,383,312.26 per year, while when the Democrats controlled everything in the 90's, the debt went up by almost double at $314,064,627,245.83 per year.

All figures shown here:
all this and I was reading a bs article today about how much we were reducing the budget defecit. Of course that does not consider the supplemental spending that it financing the war.
Dano, and where has the debt gone in the last 7 years under your main man Bush ?
Remember now the dems have only been in marginal control for less than 1 year .
The Republicans didn't repeal his tax increase, did they?

It took two years to recover from 12 years of Republican White House leadership.

If it's Republicans you think do a good job handling things, just look at your own graph. The most stable period for debt in modern history was under Clinton. During the 80s and early 90s, it shot sky high, and Bush II even managed to top that.
Dano, and where has the debt gone in the last 7 years under your main man Bush ?
Remember now the dems have only been in marginal control for less than 1 year .

I don't dispute that but parties don't shift, the political spectrum does. It's not like the Liberal Democrats are going to switch spots with the Repubs of the 90's and become economic Conservatives.
Repubs have spent bad and Dems will spend worse, already their biggest priority is the largest spending program ever proposed in universal healthcare. They aren't about to let the Repubs outliberal them in spending...
I don't dispute that but parties don't shift, the political spectrum does. It's not like the Liberal Democrats are going to switch spots with the Repubs of the 90's and become economic Conservatives.
Repubs have spent bad and Dems will spend worse, already their biggest priority is the largest spending program ever proposed in universal healthcare. They aren't about to let the Repubs outliberal them in spending...

It seems the Republicans do best in split government senarios. During the mid to late '90's the Republicans acted as the fiscal conservatives they claim to be. Once Bush took office that went out the window from both Bush and the Congress. Now that the Democrats control Congress you see Bush, rhetorically at least, speaking the language of a fiscal conservative.
It seems the Republicans do best in split government senarios. During the mid to late '90's the Republicans acted as the fiscal conservatives they claim to be. Once Bush took office that went out the window from both Bush and the Congress. Now that the Democrats control Congress you see Bush, rhetorically at least, speaking the language of a fiscal conservative.
I wish he walked the walk rather than talked the talk.

There is so very much about him that is not fiscally conservative.
The Republicans didn't repeal his tax increase, did they?

It took two years to recover from 12 years of Republican White House leadership.

If it's Republicans you think do a good job handling things, just look at your own graph. The most stable period for debt in modern history was under Clinton. During the 80s and early 90s, it shot sky high, and Bush II even managed to top that.

It depends on how you want to spin it. When the Republicans controlled Congress in the mid to late '90's debt was very stable. The Democrats controlled Congress for much of the '80's and the debt shot sky high.
and cut the tax rate on the rich so the really productive people can produce mor jobs for the slugs in the middle class.
Actually it didn't.
In the first 2 years of Clinton where the Democrats had the presidency, house and senate and passed tax increases, the debt went up by
$628,129,254,491.66 ($4,692,749,910,013.32 at end of 1994 minus 4,064,620,655,521.66 at end of 1992) or $314,064,627,245.83 per year.

In the next 6 years of Clinton's terms, Republicans controlled the house and senate and the debt went up by $981,428,299,873.54 ($5,674,178,209,886.86 at end of 2000 minus 4,692,749,910,013.32 at end of 1994) or
$163,571,383,312.26 per year
We know this was because they cut welfare, government and subsidies.

So, again when the Republicans controlled the house and senate in the 90's, the debt went up by only $163,571,383,312.26 per year, while when the Democrats controlled everything in the 90's, the debt went up by almost double at $314,064,627,245.83 per year.

All figures shown here:

The CBO and the GAO both say the 1993 budget reduction act of 1993 passed without one single R vote gets the majority of the credit for the deficit reductions of the 1990s.

take a good look at the real bubble of the tech boom.
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and cut the tax rate on the rich so the really productive people can produce mor jobs for the slugs in the middle class.

Yeah the fat slugs that do no actual work just trade money and make money off of the backs of the real workers ?
Yeah the fat slugs that do no actual work just trade money and make money off of the backs of the real workers ?

Exactly, those fat slug type of people don't create any value. That just rob from the workers.

We must rise up and stop this immediately! Power to the People! We must march and riot if need be!!!