Decisions - decisions


Since the time is drawing close, where the Electoral College will confirm the desire of the US to elect Trump as our next President; I have a question.

Should we stop rubbing the liberal noses in their loss, after the confirmation, or wait until January 20th, when he will be inaugurated?

After which date should the liberals just be ignored, when they post their whining; seeing as how some of them are just going to continue ad nauseam?

Since the time is drawing close, where the Electoral College will confirm the desire of the US to elect Trump as our next President; I have a question.

Should we stop rubbing the liberal noses in their loss, after the confirmation, or wait until January 20th, when he will be inaugurated?

After which date should the liberals just be ignored, when they post their whining; seeing as how some of them are just going to continue ad nauseam?

depends.....are they going to keep whining?........if so, I say we toy with them as long as it takes......
depends.....are they going to keep whining?........if so, I say we toy with them as long as it takes......

OH, they're going to continue whining; but isn't that giving them the attention they crave and need??
Couldn't we just treat them like we treat the red headed step-child, Watermark?
Art imitates life. The so called donkey leadership is struggling with whether to be whiney notches or play ball in an effort to make America great again.
Old line dinos say piss and moan, new ones (who would like to be reelected) want to play ball.
It would seem to me that after they failed spectacularly whining before they might try something new. Especially since the people want it and have demonstrated the cost of ignoring them.
But they are progressive in name only.
Since the time is drawing close, where the Electoral College will confirm the desire of the US to elect Trump as our next President; I have a question.

Should we stop rubbing the liberal noses in their loss, after the confirmation, or wait until January 20th, when he will be inaugurated?

After which date should the liberals just be ignored, when they post their whining; seeing as how some of them are just going to continue ad nauseam?


I prefer to make fun of them...every chance I get.