Decoding Corruption As Ancestrally Practiced In Good Faith and Bad Outcomes Daily.


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AM 12 hours a day planning for better tomorrows.

PM 12 hours managing the end of the planned day today.

Ancestors become ancestry genetically but people become characters on the world stage alphabetically.

What is wrong with this bigger picture I was trained to die for daily to save tomorrow's children arriving one at a time now.

Chromosome results are eternally separated within the moment here constantly changing people every generation gap lived to this rotation in plain sight.

Any more guessing or hiding what the Original Sin developing the daily Final Conflict governing tomorrow remains by rule of law within this species corrupting each great great grandchild just conceived every rotation forward now?

Your your New Work Order is debunked again. This post doesn't destroy anything except the invisible secret everyone knows but won't discuss in any arena of ideas because every reasonable doubt society will band together to remove the honest sole from the public domain of saving tomorrow by previous 4 generations corrupting last ancestors arriving daily.

End reasonable doubt saves people from repeating history every generation gap honoring ideas life isn't self evident time evolving eternally separated in plain sight.