APP - Deep level analysis you won’t get anywhere else

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Let me break a few things down for you that you won’t get anywhere else

1) the democrat party has been given their talking points. They are trying to undermine Barr. They will not accept the findings. Despite what the law states, the democrat party will scream for FULL disclosure. There are things that Barr cannot release due to federal law but that won’t stop leftists from screaming about “transparency”

2) Now we know why Rosenweasel wasn’t fired sooner. He was kept around so that his fingerprints would be on the final report. This gives Barr cover for putting out a partisan document.

3) Now that the Mueller investigation is behind him, Trump can finally go after his political enemies. And yes, I mean that he should. This was a coup set upon a duly elected President by B. Hussein Obama. Trump is now free to direct Barr to investigate everything from the discredited Steele Dossier to Comeys release of classified information to trigger a special counsel.

With respect to #3 will Trump do it? I don’t know. I hope so. I do know that after Kavanaugh, the left has turned Graham from a frenemy to a full on enemy. Comey, McCabe, Brennan et al can be expected to be called forward to testify under oath.
Let me break a few things down for you that you won’t get anywhere else

1) the democrat party has been given their talking points. They are trying to undermine Barr. They will not accept the findings. Despite what the law states, the democrat party will scream for FULL disclosure. There are things that Barr cannot release due to federal law but that won’t stop leftists from screaming about “transparency”

2) Now we know why Rosenweasel wasn’t fired sooner. He was kept around so that his fingerprints would be on the final report. This gives Barr cover for putting out a partisan document.

3) Now that the Mueller investigation is behind him, Trump can finally go after his political enemies. And yes, I mean that he should. This was a coup set upon a duly elected President by B. Hussein Obama. Trump is now free to direct Barr to investigate everything from the discredited Steele Dossier to Comeys release of classified information to trigger a special counsel.

With respect to #3 will Trump do it? I don’t know. I hope so. I do know that after Kavanaugh, the left has turned Graham from a frenemy to a full on enemy. Comey, McCabe, Brennan et al can be expected to be called forward to testify under oath.

An interesting series of comments.

1.I don't think that is a Democratic party talking point. (It is Democratic, not democrat. Your word usage undermines you since it clearly shows a partisan bias.) I don't believe anyone in the Democratic party is screaming for no redactions of sensitive or classified information.
2. This contradicts your point 1 when you claim Barr has put out a partisan document.
3. It is a violation of Trump's oath to order the investigation of "political enemies." It is also an impeachable offense.
An interesting series of comments.

1.I don't think that is a Democratic party talking point. (It is Democratic, not democrat. Your word usage undermines you since it clearly shows a partisan bias.) I don't believe anyone in the Democratic party is screaming for no redactions of sensitive or classified information.
2. This contradicts your point 1 when you claim Barr has put out a partisan document.
3. It is a violation of Trump's oath to order the investigation of "political enemies." It is also an impeachable offense.

I am sorry. I didn't know you were so uninformed. But with respect to #1, the democrat party IS calling for a release of the FULL UNREDACTED REPORT.

“As I have made clear, Congress requires the full and complete Special Counsel report, without redactions, as well as access to the underlying evidence. Attorney General Barr has thus far indicated he will not meet the April 2 deadline set by myself and five other Committee chairs, and refused to work with us to provide the full report, without redactions, to Congress,” Nadler wrote. “The Attorney General should reconsider so that we can work together to ensure the maximum transparency of this important report to both Congress and the American people. The full and complete report must be released to Congress without delay.”

What does "without redactions" mean to you? Do you think Congressman Nadler (D) is being taken out of context?
I am sorry. I didn't know you were so uninformed. But with respect to #1, the democrat party IS calling for a release of the FULL UNREDACTED REPORT.

“As I have made clear, Congress requires the full and complete Special Counsel report, without redactions, as well as access to the underlying evidence. Attorney General Barr has thus far indicated he will not meet the April 2 deadline set by myself and five other Committee chairs, and refused to work with us to provide the full report, without redactions, to Congress,” Nadler wrote. “The Attorney General should reconsider so that we can work together to ensure the maximum transparency of this important report to both Congress and the American people. The full and complete report must be released to Congress without delay.”

What does "without redactions" mean to you? Do you think Congressman Nadler (D) is being taken out of context?

It is not illegal to provide Congress, in particular the judiciary committee, with a report without redactions. It would only be disclosure to the public that might violate the law. Nadler is not calling for the report to be released to the general public which is what your original claim #1 is about.
It is not illegal to provide Congress, in particular the judiciary committee, with a report without redactions. It would only be disclosure to the public that might violate the law. Nadler is not calling for the report to be released to the general public which is what your original claim #1 is about.

Well given the leaks from the democrats, we know what would happen don't we?

Relax, you will see the report in short order. I know that leftists put so much hope in Mueller that they are disappointed. It is like wanting an iPhone for Christmas and getting a Palm Pilot
Well given the leaks from the democrats, we know what would happen don't we?

Relax, you will see the report in short order. I know that leftists put so much hope in Mueller that they are disappointed. It is like wanting an iPhone for Christmas and getting a Palm Pilot

Should we all pretend you didn't just move the goalposts?