Deep thinkers expressing deep thoughts


Oderint dum metuant

“The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

“The essence of tyranny is the enforcement of stupid laws..”

Edmund Burke

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

Emma Goldman

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.

Noam Chomsky

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

Vote for the man who promises least; he'll be the least disappointing.

Bernard Baruch

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.

Ambrose Bierce

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

Turn on to politics, or politics will turn on you.

Ralph Nader

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

America's present need is not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration.

Warren Harding

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules.

Ross Perot

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

Eric Blair

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

Samuel Clemens​

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

John Adams​

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.

I have a request for those who may want to participate: Quotations with attribution only, if you wish to contribute. They can be pictorial in format (see above), but no cartoons/memes, please. Thank you.