Deep Video: Man Goes Wild At Board Of Supervisors Meeting Over COVID-19 Measures 4m:2

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Deep Video: Man Goes Wild At Board Of Supervisors Meeting Over COVID-19 Measures 4m:25s

I am simply sharing this because it kind of wowed me. I do not advocate violence hence was a little thrown back at apparent international law punishment for what this man was speaking about (He starts off a little strange but it gets deeper) and that the board etc was/is executing and the punishment for doing such is death. Do you think that the globalists or the lobbyists care about the consequences of their many puppets that they so easily bait to do their bidding while these so called Board of Supervisors members are instructed to apparently just ignore it and move on ... like a bunch of brainless zombies? Sound familiar anyone ...?


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
He's a lunatic. I watched the video.

I suspect you may have some validity in adding up whatever equation you have in your mind on this one yet I will not deny that this guy could be more down to Earth than you may think (aside from religious rhetoric so I can agree to an extent) But he could have been going for strange to try to become distinctive as an artist because distinction in the primaries of remembering the distinction along with quality of content is where it is at when it comes to how one remembers something and if they even will remember it down the road of which he most certainly was distinct although his methodology was in part questionable yet in part which is what created his distinction.
A serious question

Why are posters claiming to be from Canada, Thailand, Australia watching County of San Diego Board of Supervisors meetings, complaining about United States CDC medical guidance, or complaining about who gets nominated to judgeships on U.S. courts.

Surely their own countries cannot be that boring?