Defeat for Democrats


Nemo me impune lacessit
Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD) has introduced the “Panama Canal Repurchase Act of 2025” which would give the president the authority to negotiate for the reacquisition of the Panama Canal.



@WinterBorn...what say you?

Roll, Tide!
This is Judge Daniel C. Reeves of the United States District Court from the Eastern District of Kentucky.


He just struck down Bungling Biden’s unconstitutional Title IX rewrite.

Thank you, honorable judge.

This is a massive win for women and girls.

Right, @christiefan915?

Chief Judge Reeves wrote in Thursday's order that the administration’s final rule overstepped its congressionally given boundaries.

“Congress gave the Department authority to issue rules, regulations, and orders to effectuate Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination consistent with the objectives of the statute,” Reeves wrote. “However, the Department exceeded that authority in issuing the Final Rule and the text of Title IX shows why.

“Put simply, there is nothing in the text or statutory design of Title IX to suggest that discrimination ‘on the basis of sex’ means anything other than it has since Title IX’s inception – that recipients of federal funds under Title IX may not treat a person worse than another similarly-situated individual on the basis of the person’s sex, i.e., male or female,” Reeves wrote.

“As this Court and others have explained, expanding the meaning of ‘on the basis of sex’ to include ‘gender identity’ turns Title IX on its head,” Reeves wrote.
