Defeat Without Shame In Afghanistan


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Democrat Party decision makers fear a World War mindset gripping the American people because that would lead to total victory rather than another Peace Without Victory disaster.

It is hard for me to understand why the WW II mindset did not set in after 9-11-2001 when more Americans were killed that day than were killed on the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In an effort to understand the traitors in our own federal government, I concluded that fighting criminals, splinter groups, or whatever can be prolonged for decades if need be —— until Americans are worn down to the point of surrendering —— not to Islam —— but surrendering their country to a global government.

PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY is doublespeak for Defeat Without Shame.

This is the face of Biden’s PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY:


The Taliban were transformed from an insurgent rabble armed with cast-off Soviet-era weapons into one of the most well-equipped forces in the region in the space of a few days during their lightning-fast advance across Afghanistan.

Following the complete collapse of the U.S.-equipped Afghan army, the Taliban were able to scoop up a trove of advanced military hardware: thousands of rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, artillery pieces and night-vision goggles.

The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANSDF) also left behind thousands of military vehicles from U.S. taxpayers, everything from Humvees to heavily armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) trucks.

And then there are the tactical aircraft now believed to be in Taliban custody: hundreds of helicopters, including top-of-the-line Blackhawks; dozens of heavy transport, reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft; and A-29 Super Tucano light attack fighters.

Biden administration officials concede they don’t know how much U.S.-supplied military hardware was lost. Last week, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he was confident that a “fair amount” is now in the hands of the Taliban.

Taliban transformed by haul of advanced U.S.-made weapons; lawmakers demand answers
By Mike Glenn
Updated: 10:09 a.m. on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I cannot imagine what kind of a monument Democrats will erect to Biden’s cruelty:

Burning Question of our Dark Times: Which came first Joe Biden’s consummate cruelty or his cognitive-challenged, doddering state of mind?

With mainstream and social media saturation coverage of his increasing dementia, it took Biden’s total abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan to bring public attention to his utter and shameful cruelty towards human life.

If the mayhem, murder and return of the Taliban in Afghanistan is the subsequent cause of his removal from the Oval Office, it will be the irony of ironies that he will be replaced by ‘Queen of Cackle’, Kamala Harris.

Which Came First, Joe Biden’s Consummate Cruelty, Or His Cognitive-Challenged, Doddering State Of Mind?
By Judi McLeod
August 23, 2021

so I will close with a reminder about grief:

Absence, indeed. What these modern war memorials have in common with each other is nothing. They portray nothingness. They have no people in them, never mind men carrying guns or swords, statues of Winged Victory, or even doves of peace. Just death and names -- grief without glory.

November 11, 2007
Monuments to Wimpdom
By Duncan Maxwell Anderson
Democrat Party decision makers fear a World War mindset gripping the American people because that would lead to total victory rather than another Peace Without Victory disaster.

It is hard for me to understand why the WW II mindset did not set in after 9-11-2001 when more Americans were killed that day than were killed on the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. In an effort to understand the traitors in our own federal government, I concluded that fighting criminals, splinter groups, or whatever can be prolonged for decades if need be —— until Americans are worn down to the point of surrendering —— not to Islam —— but surrendering their country to a global government.

PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY is doublespeak for Defeat Without Shame.

This is the face of Biden’s PEACE WITHOUT VICTORY:

The Taliban were transformed from an insurgent rabble armed with cast-off Soviet-era weapons into one of the most well-equipped forces in the region in the space of a few days during their lightning-fast advance across Afghanistan.

Following the complete collapse of the U.S.-equipped Afghan army, the Taliban were able to scoop up a trove of advanced military hardware: thousands of rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, artillery pieces and night-vision goggles.

The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANSDF) also left behind thousands of military vehicles from U.S. taxpayers, everything from Humvees to heavily armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) trucks.

And then there are the tactical aircraft now believed to be in Taliban custody: hundreds of helicopters, including top-of-the-line Blackhawks; dozens of heavy transport, reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft; and A-29 Super Tucano light attack fighters.

Biden administration officials concede they don’t know how much U.S.-supplied military hardware was lost. Last week, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said he was confident that a “fair amount” is now in the hands of the Taliban.

Taliban transformed by haul of advanced U.S.-made weapons; lawmakers demand answers
By Mike Glenn
Updated: 10:09 a.m. on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I cannot imagine what kind of a monument Democrats will erect to Biden’s cruelty:

Burning Question of our Dark Times: Which came first Joe Biden’s consummate cruelty or his cognitive-challenged, doddering state of mind?

With mainstream and social media saturation coverage of his increasing dementia, it took Biden’s total abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan to bring public attention to his utter and shameful cruelty towards human life.

If the mayhem, murder and return of the Taliban in Afghanistan is the subsequent cause of his removal from the Oval Office, it will be the irony of ironies that he will be replaced by ‘Queen of Cackle’, Kamala Harris.

Which Came First, Joe Biden’s Consummate Cruelty, Or His Cognitive-Challenged, Doddering State Of Mind?
By Judi McLeod
August 23, 2021

so I will close with a reminder about grief:

Absence, indeed. What these modern war memorials have in common with each other is nothing. They portray nothingness. They have no people in them, never mind men carrying guns or swords, statues of Winged Victory, or even doves of peace. Just death and names -- grief without glory.

November 11, 2007
Monuments to Wimpdom
By Duncan Maxwell Anderson

At least 1 dude didn't abandon the old Kalashnikov.
Open sights, looks like the receiver was sandblasted by a sandstorm. That dude is hardcore.
All the other Taliban are sporting spiffy new American made rifles, 1 with a thousand+ dollar scope.
The guy with the orange. That scope on that is around $1200
But Americans can't have semi-auto ARs or suppressors?
C'mon, man!